Friday, September 14, 2012

Welcome to school, I'll be your bully.

So, another move. We had only lived in Marcellus for 10 months or so, and now we were moving again. You see, my father worked for Meijer, and he kept getting promoted. He always too the new job, so we moved alot. In 8 years we had lived in Elkhart Indiana, Lansing, Jenison, Hudsonville, Marcellus and now Saint Joseph Michigan. It was hard on me as I really made friends quick, and it seemed like every time I got into a comfort zone, we would move again. The move from Marcellus to Saint Joseph came as a total shock. My Mom dropped the bomb during dinner one night when I mentioned how much I hated the long driveway we had. "

"Well, you won't have to worry about it for long, because we are moving in 2 weeks."

Thanks alot. Once again, I get to say goodbye to people I had just met and became pals with. My father had been promoted to Store Director at Meijer in Benton Harbor, Michigan, and found a great deal on a house in Saint Joe. Within the next month or so, we were moved in. Early spring on 1980, I started school at E.P. Clarke Elementary. It was the obvious choice, as we moved into the subdivision right across the road from the school. I get to meet new people, new teachers and get used to a whole other way of life.

It started out less than stellar.

My 6th Grade teacher was Mr. Lignell. He was a nice guy. I met him and the principal the day before I started. The next day, I headed off for school. When I got there, i went into my new class, and found my seat. All eyes on me. Here comes the new guy! I felt really shy. I actually never had that problem before, but the vibe I got was horrible. Then I was introduced to what would become my bully for the next week or so.

Don Ziegert.

Stated off innocently enough, with some comments. Then the intimidation. Every time I would decorate my desk, I would come in the next day, and he would be sitting there with his friends admiring the destruction of my art work I had drawn on my desk. I had some stickers I put on there once, and he scraped them off, all of the time sitting on the bench next to where my desk was so he could see my reaction.

Gym class, I was the target for EVERY dodgeball that was in the school. It was a good old fashion rubber ball beat down. I had the nerve to finally say something to him, and it was on. He wanted to meet me after school to fight. Great. This was not at all like any other school I had ever been in.

I was scared. I had no clue why I had to be the target of someones hatred for absolutely no reason at all except for being the new kid. I made sure I bailed out as soon as I could from school, and ran home. After a few days, he was waiting for me. Luckily my Mom was at the school that day. She was to become the woman in charge of Girl Scouts, and she was meeting with some people from the school. she ended up walking me home. I know, I wussed out.

Then one day the bullying ended. I really don't remember how or why, but it just stopped. Eventually I adjusted to my new school, and met people that and made friends. Most have come and gone, but I'll never forget that first week of living hell.

Don, if you read this, I will meet you anytime, anywhere and anyplace and kick your ass, you bastard!

Actually, Don and I became friends not long after middle school. We never had a problem after 6th grade. The school year eventually came to a close, and I was getting ready for Middle School. I had a great summer, and became friends with Brad Franzen. The crap we would get ourselves into.....oh man.

Did I survive 7th grade? I dunno.....probably. Check back tomorrow and find out.

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