Sunday, September 23, 2012

And I KNOW about stupidity!

Stupid decisions. I know ALOT about stupid decisions. At one time I was the master of stupidity. No matter how I tried, I would always grab defeat out of the jaws of victory.

Buy a car I knew needed work I couldn't afford? Did that. 3 times as a matter of fact.

I bought an AWESOME 1967 Impala Convertible. The water pump was going, I knew it, and bought it anyway. 8 weeks later it went, and took the engine with it. I left it in a storage unit for a year before the bank found it. Nice move.

I brought a switchblade to school once. Not to use on anyone, just to show off. I was stupid enough to bring it into Spanish class, and Mr. Benson saw it, and took it from me. An hour later I was in the office waiting to see if they were going to call the police on me. They didn't but I ALMOST got expelled from school.

I was driving into the school parking lot after racing Mike Fehrenbach to school. I tried to pass a car in the parking lot itself, and hit the car in the left fender. I gave the girl my info, and just left school ad went home. I had NO insurance on my car. Stupid? Yes....very.When the police officer called me he explained that I was almost charged with leaving the scene of an accident, but was letting me slide because I had given her my information.

I once got an illegal "backing" ticket on Silver Beach. The road had just been converted to a One Way road, and I was stupid enough to back my car up in the dark, the wrong way. I hit a car in the door. They got a ticket for illegal parking, and I got the other one. I neglected to pay this $25 fine. After several warning via mail, and an increase to $200 there was a bench warrant issued for my arrest. I continued to blow this off off for weeks. Now, I am going to wander for a second here. You always here about these idiots that get pulled over and busted with 300lbs of drugs. Why were they pulled over? Usually a stupid headlight burned out or maybe they were speeding. Why wouldn't you fix the headlight to avoid getting pulled over???? Well, I proudly joined that stupid group of individuals that could have avoided trouble, but chose to be an idiot instead.

My muffler had blown out and my 1977 Olds 442 was pretty damn loud. Every night when I drove home from Meijer I would take a certain route going home. I knew every hiding spot the police used to catch speeders. I thought I was sooooooooooo smart. Pipestone to Napier to M-139 to Scottdale to Glenlord and home. I would always know what to do when I came up on the police traps. I just put the car in neutral and coasted past the area, the car would be as silent as a church mouse. Then I just put it back in drive, and cruise home. Then, my arrogance got the best of me. I came up on the usual area of M-139 by the old Kreamo Bakery outlet, and put it in neutral. I looked over and didn't see the police car this time. I thought to myself, "Hell, I got it made!" I put it back gear and hit the gas. The engine roared to life as I slammed the accelerator. Just in time to look to my left and see the cop car sitting at The Holiday Inn. Now at 11pm at night, a V8 with no muffler is pretty damn loud. I saw him, and I was doomed, I knew it and he knew it. He followed me all the way to Ace Hardware before he pulled me over. My license was run, and bam.....I was being put into the back of a police car. Off to Berrien County Jail. I had to be at school in 8 hours and I was off to jail. After booking and pictures I was being held for the outstanding ticket, and bail was $200. Who could I call? Nobody. Except my Father. I called him at about 12:30am. he was pissed. I mean PISSED! I sat there as the hours passed. Finally at 7am he came and got me. He purposely made me sit there all night, and dropped me off to my car. Not ONE word was spoken. I had to go right to school in my work clothes, and with no sleep. The cheeseburgers that I had picked up at BK were still in my front seat. Cold as ice. That entire day sucked knowing my ass was going to be kicked when I got home that afternoon. And it was.

So, let this be a lesson to you about stupidity. Because this was NOT the last time I was thrown in jail for a lousy traffic ticket. My stupidity continued for years. Don't let yours consume you.

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