Thursday, September 27, 2012

STONEHENGE! Part 2 and Google punishing for my tribute to a deceased friend.

So, the parties continued through the summer and into the fall. Even if I had a bad cold, the parties would happen. It seemed that everyone would show up and have a great time. Later in the summer the engine seized on my Olds 442. I parked it outside Stonehenge, and it became nothing more than something to lean on during our get togethers

We used to make prank calls when we were drunk, and often made them LATE at night. One late evening the people at the party decided to call the Navy recruiters at home and scream NAVY SUCKS at the top of our lungs. 2 days later my girlfriend and I were hanging out when my phone rang. It was one of the recruiters. Apparently they recognized a voice in the background from the call, and confronted him. Of course my "friend" said it was all my idea, and I took the full force of one PISSED off Navy Petty Officer. Thanks pal.

Every weekend the place looked like a parking lot with literally a hundred people hanging out in it. Once someone even stole a car and drove it out to Stonehenge to drink and have a great time. They ended up abandoning the car in Saint Joe behind an apartment complex. The police came out to investigate the report that the car was last seen at my place. I remember him showing up one morning when there was like 7 of us passed out inside. I told him what I knew, and that was that. After he left I noticed someone had left a bong sitting on the table by the door, and there was NO way he missed seeing it. It was time to start regulating the gatherings. It was starting to get out of hand.

Apparently, I had a suspended license from yet ANOTHER speeding ticket I neglected to pay. I was driving a friend home one night that had been drinking, and as we crossed a rise in the road, there was a police car that was on the yellow line as we passed. I swerved toward the shoulder to avoid hitting him, and he in turn pulled me over for reckless driving. It was then that he informed me that my license was suspended, but because he was in a hurry, he wrote me an appearance ticket.

My court date was 2 weeks from the date of the ticket. On the way, the car I was in broke down, and I had to walk home 3 miles. I called an told the courthouse what had happened and was told to get there first thing in the morning. Now, this was a trap because clerks at the Berrien County Courthouse CANNOT give legal advice on what to do if you can't show up. So basically a bench warrant was issued THAT morning for my arrest. I show up the next morning, and I am thrown right in a holding cell. Held with a $250 bail. Swell. Thanks clerks.

This was a Wednesday I believe. I sat there with no one able or willing to bail me out. By Friday they sent me upstairs to the jail area to await my Monday court date. That's when I learned that you can trade a meal for 5 cigarettes. I sat there until Sunday evening when I was FINALLY bailed out.

David Adler came to pick me up with some other friends. We stopped at Burger King, and he bought me some dinner, and then to Pri-Mart gas station for some smokes. I just wanted to get back to Stonehenge and take a shower and sleep. However this was not to be.

David informed me that they had a HUGE blowout party, and that some things went down. I arrived home to find the curtains were gone from the window, the screen door was tore from it's hinges. Apparently the police came out because they had tried to drag the refrigerator out into the driveway, and things got out of hand BIG time. The landlord came out, and with the cops help, removed everyone from the premises because I was not there. So here I am standing in the drizzle, looking at my stuff through the window sitting in a pile in the middle of the apartment. Everyone else was kind enough to leave my stuff behind, while making sure THEIR stuff was safe. I tried to get in, but there was no way. I walked around the back to climb in through the bathroom window, when someone showed up in a truck telling us to leave the property. I told him that I lived here, and I wanted to get my stuff. he said he worked for the landlord and that it was his job to make sure I stayed away. He called the police when I argued with him. The police showed up and took MY side when I told him what happened. The landlords guy informed the police that I had been in jail all weekend, but the officer told him that it didn't matter because without an eviction notice, I still had all rights to be there.

The front door had an 8" nail pounded into the door frame. sealing it shut.

The officer helped my climb in through the bathroom window because there was NO way that 8" nail was coming out of the door. I get inside and see the destrution caused while I was gone. It was like the place had been ransacked, and reeked of smoke and stale beer. All of my stuff was pretty much ruined. i was only able to salvage my clothes, and some thing I had in a drawer. That was it. My couch, bedding, stereo and tv were ruined. I climbed back out into the drizzle to David's car, nearly crying.

I was now homeless. The friends that I thought I had mostly bailed on me. Only 4 of them came to my rescue, and helped me with places to stay until I got back on my feet. I had my car towed to a friends house where I would end up living in a few months. But that is another HORRIFYING story that I will address later.

I decided that I was going to move away from the area, and start all over again. I had spoken with my Grandmother about moving north to Big Rapids and helping her as my Grandfather had passed a couple of years before this. I had made plans to have a car, and the money to move, but in the months following, things got complicated and before I had a chance to go and help take care of my Grandmother, she passed away as well. I was devastated. To this day I regret not getting my shit to gather soon enough to get to her, and help here. She died of cancer in the hospital. Thank God my Aunt Sally , my Uncle Archie and my cousins Chad and Tammy were there with her. I was afraid that she was alone.

Needless to say, that was the end of Stonehenge. The place now sits abandoned. All of the other buildings on Fire Lane 13 also sit empty. The good old days were gone forever. I made my mistakes, and found out who my real friends were. I found out later, that one of those friends, Jimmy Dixon took his own life. He was a great person that ALWAYS had a smile on his face, and a joke for everyone. I think there was a girl involved that just shattered his heart, and he couldn't take it. He walked out to the road by his house, and shot himself in the head. RIP my friend. I still miss you.

If anyone reading this blog today remembers the insane parties at Stonehenge, I would love to have you share some memories. I know there are some picture floating around as well. I will publish any of these if you can get them to me. Until then, just remember the good times that we had at Stonehenge.

by the way, my AdSense has been disabled due to heavy traffic yesterday that Google considered "fishy" There were almost 200- hits to The Daily Skid Mark yesterday because of my tribute to a friend that had passed. This angers me as I use any revenue from the ad clicks to help people with getting a computer for free. If this angers you as much as it does me, feel free to express your opinion in the comment section, or just post to my Facebook wall.

See you tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Google,
    Scott Michael Trager was not just a well-known local TV and radio personality ... he was also a personal friend and coworker for people like Mark and myself. I have read the "terms" for your AdSense program, and I do not understand the grounds by which you would suspend Mark's account. He has done nothing wrong by posting about the passing of a colleague and friend in his blog; a person that was well-liked and popular by many in and out of the area. The fact that many others knew Scott and visited Mark's blog tribute, in turn making him suspect of ... whatever you believe him suspect of, calls into question your motives behind the AdSense program. Is it not the point of this program to attract attention for your clients? What possible threat does Mark pose by added advertising exposure for said clients? I would understand if this were a marketing ploy by an individual whose purpose is to optimize a large audience to get them to hit your links and cash in, but that's not the case here. Mark uses these resources to purchase used computers and parts, in order to help people who would normally not be able to afford a computer for their home. I would request that you reinstate his account so he can continue to do so.

    George Scholey II
