Sunday, September 2, 2012

Is that morphine or are you happy to see me?

In the chaos of having a TOTAL freak out, the EMT's were kind enough to give me something to relax a little. The sensation of not being able to breath was horrifying. It felt so much worse than the day I went to the ER with GBS. I remember them starting the IV, and then being rolled into the ER. ANY amount of strain, and I would go into a coughing fit, and could not get any air to move through my lungs. I was moved to the bed, and I sat up, as I could not be on my back without choking.

So there I sat. Legs crossed rocking back in forth. I was literally begging for someone to help me, but the nurses went about their business like I was not even there. Sweat was pouring from my head, and my hair looked like I just got out of the shower. My body was in panic overload, and nobody would help. I was creating a pool of sweat where I sat, and no relief was in site. I started to black out again.

Now, I don't remember ANYTHING over the next 14 hours. This all started around 11am. What I am going to tell you is from the eyes of my wife who followed the ambulance in, and my sister who showed up soon after Tina because she heard the whole thing unfold on the scanner.

I was incoherent. Babbling away begging for help. The nurses were rushing around seemingly not knowing what to do. They gave me some morphine and nitro. I kept telling them that my chest was hurting, and every time my heart would beat, I would yell in pain because it hurt so much. Then the morphine REALLY kicked in. I became SUPER calm. The respiratory nurse was trying to ask me questions. I was so out of it I just looked at her and laughed. She started to yell at me asking my what my C-Pap machine settings were. I just looked at her, rubbed her face and told her I loved her. There was NO way i could answer any of these questions. I was wasted. Tina was getting irritated, and my sister just started to go off on the staff. She was pissed, and so was Tina. Dr. Joy came in with his hands in his coat pockets, saying he had no idea what to do. He had called my cardiologist in Petoskey, and he told Dr. Joy to transport me to up there.

They stabilized me, and ran me over to Northern Michigan Hospital, and into the ICU. When I awoke in a hazy blur, George Scholey was there talking to a nurse. Good old George, always there to make sure I'm ok. I had a mask over my face, but I was able to mutter 2 words to him.

"Whatcha doooooooin'?"  I said in my best Isabella voice from Phineas and Ferb. Then I went back out.

I woke up the next morning in the Cardiac Unit. Hello catheter my old friend! IVs and monitors and tubes and machines. What the hell happened? My new cardiologist Dr. Teklinski came in to see me, and told me what had happened. My heart was drowning due to Congestive Heart Failure. My ejection fraction was only 18%. That was the same that Bo Schembechler had 30 days before he died. I had so much fluid backed into my lungs that I almost drowned. They just POURED the meds into me to get rid of it before I died.

Over the next 4 days, they pulled 28lbs of fluid from my body. That is MORE than 4 gallons. Now think about that. 4 gallons. Pour that out on the floor and look at it. Wow.

This would have been a horrible time, but I was feeling better almost right away. I was SO happy when Amanda Dratnol came in. She was a nurse in CU and I was good friends with her brother in-law Brad. I knew I was in great hands. If you don't know who Amanda is, she is hands down one of the BEST nurses you could ever have. To this day, she gives me crap if I don't take care of myself. She will always have a special place in my heart. Thank you Amanda!

Now, I was trying to cover peoples computer needs while in the hospital. I arranged for a laptop for this person that needed one, but only had a small amount of cash to pay for it. I even had Tina take it to him, and give him a ride to his home. He ended up ripping me off for over half of what he needed to pay for it while I laid in the hospital bed. he never called me back, or even tried to pay. A year later he died, so I guess karma took care of that. Sound brutal? I found out later he was not such a nice guy. he deserved worse.

I got to go for a walk one day in the CU. After about 20 steps, I had to turn around from exhaustion. I was wiped out! One last obstacle I needed to cross was the heart cath. They wanted to make sure I didn't have any blockage.

I passed with flying colors.

I was able to go home after 5 long days. Once again, i was still in danger, but if I did what the doctors told me, I would be ok.

I lost 40 lbs in those 5 days. Most of it fluid from my lungs and body. Another diet I don't recommend!

Did I listen to the doctor? Did he catch me 2 weeks later buying a Mountain Dew at the gas station? Do I still love a Wahoo Burger from Dairy Grill? Tune in Monday for the thrilling answers to these stupid questions!


  1. "Whatcha doooooooin'?"

    I remember that! Last thing I expected to hear you say then. Plus, sounds even better through a oxygen mask.

  2. Thanks Mark. It was so weird seeing you there and then realizing who you were. I will always give you hell for not taking care of yourself. You have survived trips through hell that no one should have to face, not taking full advantage of your blessings would be a sin. Not to mention a slap in the face to those who helped you along the way. Plus its what Brad would want me to do lol!
