Thursday, September 6, 2012

Rico Suave is born, aka what I have learned from my first girlfriend.

Never a dull moment in my life. I figured that as I got older, it would only get better. Not that I regret the lessons I had learned, but I wanted more happiness, and less "Why is my arm bleeding?".

I was a very shy person around women. I never even had a real girlfriend until I was 17. I just didn't know how to act, and it made me nervous. So many missed opportunities where I would be getting flirted with, and I would be to scared to flirt back. I never dated any girl I went to school with, though there were more than a few that I found attractive. Instead I found that meeting women that I worked with at Meijer seemed a better alternative.

Enter Kim Keith. She worked in the cafeteria. I was introduced to her, and I worked up the courage to ask her out. I was SUCH a smooth operator. (Not at all). She had the geek chic look about her, years before it was a trendy look. Like me, she had not really dated anyone before. We were both innocent, in the terms that neither of us had ever.....well, you know. I mean, this point, I had NEVER even kissed a girl before. I'm serious. Never.

I picked her up a few nights later in my ultra-cool 1965 Chevy Biscayne. 4 doors, and should have had an anchor it was such a boat. We went out and got some food, and just drove around. We ended up at silver beach. We would watch the planes fly across from Chicago and listen to the radio. It was pretty cool because at night you could pick up stations from FAR away. I remember listening to a rock station out of Florida one time.

It took me 3 dates to get up the balls to kiss her. We just started out kind of nuzzling each others necks. Then I moved to her cheek. Then, I did it. I kissed her. Oh man, I kissed her. So many years of shyness was gone in an instant of rampant tongue. I kissed her. If she had been kissed before, this kiss wiped away all others that she had ever had.

I kissed her. And it was great.

We dated for awhile, and we had fun. During this time we never had sex. we were both virgins, and it didn't really matter, The thought had crossed our mind, and we did explore each other, but sex was never an issue. I remember one winter night when we were down by the other side of Silver Beach. Now this was in 1984-85 when it had not been developed. there was a dead-end that was private, and we went there to make out all of the time. We were there one night, the heater was on, the radio was low and we were making out. It was quite, and dark and we were very relaxed. We stopped kissing for a minute, and she took her shirt off.

Ok, I will not go into details as this is a very personal story to me, and I respect Kim to this day, so I'll cut to the chase.

After 20 minutes she leaned back against the car door, and I leaned back in my seat. Just catching our breathe. The windows were COMPLETELY fogged up from the heater, and ....well. She still had her top off and was naked from the waist up. I looked at her and was just about to say something. What it was, I have no clue. I just don't remember, because at that moment, her door opened up.

She fell out back first, at the feet of a Saint Joseph City police officer. Right into the snow, with nothing covering her chest. (She was built pretty well, and I never complained.)

The police officer was just as surprised as I was. He had knocked on the window (I don't think he really did) and didn't get a response, so he was afraid that someone had passed out from carbon monoxide poisoning. He pulled the door open, and out she tumbled. Breasts and all. She screamed like a scream I had never heard, and climbed back into the car and fumbled for her shirt. The officer apologized, and told us that we should find some other place to do what we were doing. I told him we would, he laughed and wished us a goodnight.

Kim was NOT happy. She was borderline hysterical. She put her bra and shirt on and demanded that I take her home. I obliged. She was in shock. She didn't say a word all the way back to her house. i went to kiss her goodnight, but she was out the door before I could even put my lips together. I pulled out of her driveway, and didn't get a mile down the road when I started laughing. I laughed my stupid ass off. For 20 minutes, I nearly pissed myself laughing.

What lesson did I learn?

1. Always lock the doors.
2. Find a place a little more private when getting busy.
3. Always console your girlfriend when something like this happens.
4. Never laugh. (see number 3)
5. Always call her that night to see if she was ok. (I waited 3 days).
6. Never piss off your girlfriend by not calling her. (See number 5)

I went out with her a few more times, and saw her on and off over the next few years. We never did sleep together, although I had the chance later on. I really liked Kim alot, almost loved her with all of my heart, but it just never worked out. The first girl I had ever kissed, and I will never forget her. She was special to me, and I hope that i was to her as well.

Turns out my first true love was not that far away. I was about to meet a girl that would change how I act around women to this day. The impact that she would have on me would set a standard that I would use for the rest of my life, when it came to love.

Yeah, this future girlfriend was that important to me. And I loved her with every part of my soul.

Stay tuned tomorrow and find out who this woman was? And maybe you'll learn some more Rico Suave tips on how NOT to piss of your girlfriend!

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