Friday, September 21, 2012

Squirt guns and Blossomtime Queens

Suddenly a crash, and there was a car in the window of our High School's English class.

At least I think it was the English class. All I know is there was a HUGE crashing sound. When all was said and done, Mike Hubbard's car was sitting in the window. Details have faded away as to what exactly happened, but I think i slipped out of gear and rolled into the school. It was a mess. It was after school as over if I remember correctly, but what a mess it made.

Man, the things we got away with that would NEVER be tolerated today. It seems like at least once a week someone would light a smokbomb and roll it down the stairs to the first floor, filling the hallways with an acrid cloud of sulfur smelling smoke. There was even one occasion where someone shot a bottle rocket down the hallway, ricocheting it off of the lockers next to me.

Boom boxes cranking out Van Halen or Rush was a constant in the school. Pop in a cassette and just walk down the hallways between classes. That was pretty short lived, but yes, I had one too. We used to listen to it in auto shop. Deep Purple was our music of choice.

One time a friend and I decided to see how much Scope we could drink before school. Yeah, I know. Stupid. I think I almost made it to second hour before I threw up a minty mix of waffles and mouthwash. Drinking happened quite a bit. I even know of one teacher that drank Vodka in between class. I know this because we stole his Thermos one day just to see what it was.

One year, the Blossomtime Queens came to our school and gathered in the auditorium for a show. Us Boondockers devised a plan to sit towards the front of the stage with squirt guns, and spray them as they walked acvross the stage. But we were going to do it so they never knew where it was coming from. It was working pretty good, and it was pretty damn funny. For about 15 minutes we got away with it. I think it was Joe Ehrenberg that suddenly stood up and started ripping on the trigger spraying water everywhere. Why? I dunno. But it was hilarious! Of course, the assistant principal caught us, and we had to sit there until everyone was dismissed from the room. Then we were gathered up and marched down to the office. We decided to make it worth our while, so we put our hands on our heads like we were prisoners, and walked single file behind him. The hallways were filled with kids, laughing and cheering us. Was it worth it? was a good time.

The best time I ever had though, was the mornings before class. Steve Heier and I would listen to Rush on my boom box and play Frisbee in the gym. It was always a great time. Nothing but a big space to chuck a plastic disc. So simple and yet so fun. I just found out the other day that Steve is moving to Florida for good. Steve, if you're reading this. I'm going to miss you. I love you like a brother. Toss a Frisbee for me.

Anyway, High School was fun, but not very productive for me. I remember my Junior year, I never even opened my locker once. I never even bothered to remember the combination. Somehow I squeaked through, but if I had to do it differently?

Not a chance. I had a blast.

Today's blog is dedicated to Mr. Harmon. he was my favorite teacher in school. As well as Mr, Durr my English teacher who suffered through so may mornings of my horrible attitude. Wherever you guys are, thank you for being some of the best teachers I have ever known.

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