Saturday, September 8, 2012

Ass-hats and pizza slices.

Attitude is a powerful thing. Knowing how to use it, that's something else. I have no tolerance for people who think the world revolve around them, and when I encounter them it's pretty damn hard to bite my tongue. Therefore, when I get to the point where I decide to use my attitude to shut them down, I know how to use it.

Enter today's asshole.

Pizza sounded good, so I went into town to get some cheesy goodness. I get great service wherever I go simply because I refuse to go where the employees are jerks. I walk in and spy my target. Mmmm, pepperoni! I tell the clerk what I want , and he gets a box for the slices that soon would be part of my feast. We talk about stuff, and joke around while gets the food. And then asshole walks in.

No shirt, pants halfway down his legs and a really stupid hat. I blow him off and keep talking the the clerk. Under his breath, I hear the asshole say, 'Come the fuck on...."

I stop talking, and turn to him.

In a calm quite voice I say, "Shut the fuck up, ass-hat." He looks at me, and I just stare him down. He tries to give me a look, but he turns and looks back down at the counter. I get my food, the clerk smiles and I walk out. I made it a point to wait for him to come out, and I stare him down.

He leaves.

I can't stand people like that. There are much bigger things to worry about. If you want to be a jerk, don't pull that crap on me. I'll give you attitude that I can and will back up. I'm a pacifist, but I will in NO way tolerate someone that enjoys nothing more than to make people feel miserable.

Short blog today, sorry about that. There is something that I wanted to write about, and I need your opinion. I have some important topics I want to cover on Sunday, so please join me back here tomorrow. Your feedback is VERY important to me.

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