Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Friends, enemies and the lurking jack-ass.

I would love to say I'm doing great. I'm doing pretty good, but that's ok. It could have been MUCH worse. I have the scars to prove it. Both physical and psychological. But I like to think I'm a better person for it. I have a wonderful group of people that I call my friends, and a family that always stands behind me.

I'd like to touch on that subject right there. Friends. The friends I have now are the friends I will have for life. They know who they are. If I speak to you, then you're my friend. Several have gone by the wayside over the years. One person, who I shall not name was my best friend for years and years. Even though he would walk all over me, I always let it go because I assumed he always had my back. It turned out however that he always WATCHED my back to see if I turned around and caught him doing things BEHIND my back.

I would have taken a bullet for him.

He had issues, but I always saw around them. he had a drug problem, I saw around that as well. He screwed me over so many times, I lost track. And yet he was still my friend. I finally walked away from the friendship years ago. Maybe this would be a wake up call for him?

No. He's still the same asshole that he was when I washed my hands of him. He is a user, and abuser and a prick. He will never grow up, and will never stop taking advantage of those around him for personal gain. He over compensates for an obvious lack of tact, and pride. It wasn't his upbringing. He came from 2 parents that were hard working and very loving. I had the pleasure of knowing them both for years, and they always treated me like I was their son.

But my "friend" was not my friend. I would tell him everything, and use it against me. For his benefit. I was in love with this girl, and I would tell him about her. He would take her away from me. This happened several times, and I let it. The worse part is, he would take this opportunity to convince these women he loved them, then toss them aside once he was bored, hurting them and humiliating me in the process.

I was willing to give him one more chance. To actually forgive him for the things he had done. There was NO WAY he could still be the same person he was. Nobody could live with themselves for all of these years continuing down that same path. No way.

He did, and he does.

You know who you are. And I'm sure some of my readers do as well. I don't ever want to see you again. I don't ever want to HEAR from you again. Just stay away from me.

Go live your sad pathetic life. You are not welcome near me, my family or my friends. Just stay in your drug filled world, and fuck off.

And there was another "friend" as well. Not the exact situation, but drinking destroyed our friendship. I actually respect him more than I do the one I speak of. And if you know me, that speaks volumes about the patience I have.

Ok, questions?

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