Monday, September 3, 2012

My life as a walking medical disaster.

People ask me all of the time how I'm still alive after everything I went through. You guys have NO idea. The things I touched on so far in my blog is just the tip of the iceburg of the things I have done to myself.

When I was 4 I ripped my foot open on a box spring. Bled pretty darn good too. Several stitches.

I was hit by a car riding my bike when I was 8. Wrecked my bike and knocked me into someones yard. A guy on a Harley stopped to help me. Told me in these exact words, "Don't worry. I was a medic in 'Nam and you're going to be ok!" My dad came and got me and took me home.

I was running across my friends yard later that same year, and put a 7" nail right through my foot, and out the top of my shoe. the board was still attached to it, and I "clomped" my way home. My Mom was able to pull the board and nail from my foot. More stitches and crutches for a week.
 That Spring I fell off the Monkey Bars at school, dislocating the ball joint in my hip and pinching the nerve. Traction in the hospital for 2 weeks, and crutches for 2 more after that.

When I was 9 I fell in my friends tree house and drove a nail through my hand. It took me 5 minutes to get the courage up to pull it out of my hand. More stitches.

Just 2 weeks later, put the claw end of a hammer into my head splitting it open. What a bloody mess. My friend who was with me freaked out and ran away, leaving me to bleed all of the way home. Thanks Tim!

When I was 12 a bottle rocket exploded on my right cheek. I mean JUST as it hit me. The burn was there for years. Every once and awhile if I get a good tan, it shows up as a light blotch on my skin.

I once had a can of WD-40 blew up in my hand as I was messing with it and a lighter. 2nd degree burns but luckily no shrapnel.

The next Spring, I was climbing a tree that was in a 40 foot ravine. the branch gave way and I fell through the branches, hitting the ground and sliding to the bottom. I ended up wedged against a tree. I was amazed that I survived the fall. I went to get up, and my leg wouldn't move below the knee. I looked at it and tried to move again, and that's when I noticed bone jutting out. I broke both bones in my right leg below the knee. I freaked out. My friend Brent went to my house across the way to tell my Mom, but she thought I was just goofing off because I was supposed to be home. She told Brent to have me get home now. he actually came back and told me this. My friends then told the neighbor who owns the property we were on what happened. She called the ambulance, and they took me to the hospital. 2 weeks after I was discharged in a full leg cast, I slipped on some wet grass, and broke the cast open. Just shattered it. The next morning I went to the old Cederwood Medical center in Saint Joseph to have the cast repaired. Turns out I dislodged the bones that had been set, and had to re-set it. he tried this with NO medicine. there was my leg, and he torqued on it for 15 EXCRUCIATING seconds. My screams were blood curdling. he was not able to repair it, so the next day I had surgery to set it, and back into a cast I went. 22 weeks. What a summer wasted.

I was working at Meijer in the bottle return one year. people used to bring in garbage bags filled with gooey cans and bottles. I would just dig into them and pull them out as I counted. A broken bottle was in one of these bags, and I slid my wrist across it. Never knew it either. It was such a precise cut, it opened the artery in my wrist. The lady i was waiting on freaked out because I was spraying blood everywhere. I looked at my hand, and saw the blood but had no clue what happened. then my wrist spurted blood at me. A wad of paper towel and some duct tape worked until i went to the hospital after work. 20 stitches.

I once had a gun pulled on me when I was robbed at a gas station I worked at. I watched as he pulled away from the parking lot only to hit a State Trooper in the side of his car. He was obviously caught.

I once pulled a gun on someone that was threatening my sister and her friends. My friend Jason and I tracked these guys down, and told them that if they ever touched them again, I would blow their brains out. Deana Zeter remember this. She was on of the girls, and NOBODY messes with my girls!

I twisted my left foot backwards after getting it caught in a motorcycle tire while at full throttle. That was a fun repair.

I also broke 7 fingers, sprained both wrists twice, dislocated my left shoulder 3 times, and the right shoulder once. Broke 4 ribs, and 6 toes including the big toe on my right foot twice. Tore my LCL in my right knee, an damaged the left one.

And you remember the story of my right ankle. total reconstruction. Pins bolts and hooks keep it together.

Did I miss anything? Tune in tomorrow and see. Or don't.My injuries may rub off on you. Honestly, I probably broke my ass sitting here typing this. I need to go get it rubbed.

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