Monday, October 1, 2012

This means alot to me. PLEASE READ!

Well, I did it. I started my fundraising campaign. For years my friend Bryan and I have been fixing computers and giving them to people who can't afford them. We do make a little money in our business, and hopefully someday can make a GREAT living doing so. But I still feel the need to make a difference. Several years ago, as most of you who follow my blog know, I was very ill. I almost didn't survive. I had people help me when times were VERY tough. Just as recently as this year there were several of you who stepped up to help me and my family out, and you never asked for anything in return. I am proud to have friends like you. Now I am asking for help once again. Not for me, but for others who need help, but have nobody to turn to.

here is the link:

As well as a CNN article that can better explain what I am talking about when it comes to the correlation between Autism and iPads.

I have started an Indiegogo campaign to not only raise money to purchase used laptops and computers, but to raise awareness for Autism. I personally am affected by this cause, as I have several close friends who have children with forms of Autism. My son Nolan has showed signs himself with his past troubles of social and learning skills. With help from Char-Em and some great workers, he had made GREAT strides in overcoming his problems. But some children are not as lucky, as they do not have the tools to increase their learning, and communicate what they are feeling.

Now, I am NO expert on the subject. But I do however know that with the help of tablets such as the iPad, great strides are being made in helping these children. My son had the use of one when he was in Bright Beginnings, and the change in him was incredible. My son is lucky to have a computer at his disposal to further the advances he has made, but others are not NEARLY as lucky.

I started this blog not so long ago as a way to tell my stories, and maybe have a few laughs. I saw an opportunity to possibly raise money for my causes using AdSense, an advertising tool that allows me to put ads on my blog, and make money doing so. Google, as you know has SUSPENDED my account, and took the money that I had earned through you, the readers, away for good. All because I wanted to blog about a dear friend who had passed away. The tribute caused a HUGE spike in my blog traffic, that Google deemed "Suspicious" and accused me of creating false traffic to further my AdSense earnings.

I am still upset at the heartless accusations. But what do you expect from a company that no longer caters to the common user like myself.

My Indiegogo campaign is to help raise money to purchase iPads for autistic children, and the families that will benefit from them, as well as money to purchase used and broken computers that we can fix, and donate to those less fortunate.

I have a goal of $5000 to reach in 21 days. If I reach that goal, it will allow me to work with companies to obtain 15-20 iPads, as well as used computers that I will fix, along with my friend and business partner, Bryan. If the goal is not reached, I will take the funds that we DO raise, and donate to TCAPS (Traverse City Area Public Schools), to further the education told they need to help our children.

This is more than just a campaign to raise funds. This is a plea for help. A plea for those who cannot ask themselves. Even if you can't donate, please the spread the word. Even if it is to bring awareness to Autism.

PLEASE SHARE WITH EVERYONE YOU KNOW. This is VERY personal to me. I am very nervous to even ask for help in these horrible economic times, and the information at the link I am going to include in today's blog might seem a little rambling, but I didn't know how to ask for you, my readers, help. I'm not very good at fundraising, so any help I can get would be awesome.

Thank you from the deepest part of my heart.

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