Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Interestin finds and weed needs!

You never know what you will find wherever you go. Most interesting are the things you see on the side of the road. Or in the case of today, what was IN the road. Today, it was a plunger.

Yup. A little mini plunger. How the toilet accessory found it's way to the middle of a 4-lane intersection, is beyond me. I was actually going to take a picture of it for my caption contest, but traffic was too heavy. I'm sure it will still be there tomorrow.

I have found everything from a carton of smokes, to a 12-pack of beer with 2 cans missing. Last summer there was a coffee maker that sat on the side of the road for 3 weeks before it was finally gone. Weird part? There wasn't a house within 2 miles of where it was.

Did you ever notice the amount of tie straps, or bungee cords you see in the road? You never think about it until someone brings it up. Now wherever you go, you will see them everywhere. Don't believe me? Just watch. They will be there.

Now on to this......

Another observation I have made is that people STILL call me for medicinal marijuana. If You don't know what I'm talking about, our phone number assigned to us from the brainless morons at Charter, used to belong to the local CA that supplied weed to card holders that had prescriptions. The place has been closed for 6 months, but is still listed online as an active operating dispensary. Not only did we pay extra to have our phone number unlisted, Charter is NOT supposed to give residential customers a former number that belonged to a business. The worst part is because it was a business number, we cannot have it on the NO CALL list. I used to get so many calls from people that wanted Romulan Kush or Pink Lady Spice. It had died down a bit, but the last 2 days I have been bombarded with a new round of weed craving robots. Turns out every time I get the number removed from a website, another one links it off 3 or 4 more times. I even threatened legal action to the webmasters that keep posting the number, but it never ceases the bothersome phone calls. Charter's solution? I pay an extra $25 to have our number changed. Even though it's THEIR fault, I have to pay for it.


I had one guy call yesterday call 6 times in 10 minutes, until I finally called him back to ask him what he wanted. He was a total jack-ass and I finally had to tell him to f*ck off. One guy was convinced that he was just there on his birthday in July, even though I told him it had been closed. After 5 minutes of arguing with him, I came to the conclusion that not only was he an idiot, but I had wasted precious time in my life that I would never get back. Now I do however try to guide those that are nice in the right direction. There are several other places that can help them that ARE still open. I know that for every person that abuses the system, there are 4 others that actually need the weed. It's those people I have NO problem helping. The others? Go away.

Want a good laugh? Here are some of the "strains" they have available from the now defunct Traverse City CA. Enjoy!

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