Monday, October 29, 2012

The Blogger Returns!

So I took some time off. I know, I already goof off too much, but I have an excuse.

Ok, not really, but I am feeling better. My severely sprained ankle is finally coming around, my asthma is responding well to my meds, and my fatigue and dehydration problem is under control. I just have to KEEP taking care of myself instead of slacking when I'm doing good.

So, here comes Sandy. Please keep everyone in the danger zone in your prayers. I have friends and family that are currently under the gun. It has been a LONG time since I have seen a storm system like this, and probably wont again for a long time. People were thinking out loud today at the gas station about fuel prices that will be affected. Well, I can tell you this. I live in a town where gas prices went from $3.98 to $3.13 and back up to $3.47 all in a two week period. I think we'll be ok here in Traverse City because it's NEVER anywhere near a normal set price. Then again, at any given time, we are ALWAYS .50 cheaper per gallon than Charlevoix. Why is that? I blame communism.Then again, when 9/11 happened I watched ALL of the gas stations in Charlevoix crank up fuel prices in 3 hours to over $1/gallon from where it had been earlier. Price gouging is the WORST kind of asshole move. Companies need to be held responsible. Sadly, it usually gets swept under the rug.

This actually happened to me today. I was getting ready to park and go in the gas station to pay for my gas. A car pulled in front of me and took the handicapped spot I was going to park in. (As you all know, I have SEVERE nerve damage in my feet from GBS not to mention I was still on crutches from my ankle injury) I parked 3 spots over and got out of my car. No sticker on his car, and no plate indicating he was disabled. Now, I see this ALL of the time, and it infuriates me. This time, I decided to confront this person.....

Me: "Excuse me, are you disabled?"

Him: "No, why?"

Me: "Well, do you know that you parked in a handicapped zone, AND cut me off when I was going to park there?"

Him: "Oh, it's ok. My dad is disabled."

Me: "Oh, sorry. Is he with you?"

Him: "Oh, no. He's in Florida right now."

At this point about 6 people looked at him. The lady behind me asked why he had the balls to park there even though, A) He wasn't disabled. B) He had no sticker. and C) Why it mattered if his dad was disabled, and he had nothing to do with him parking where he did.

He literally had NO answer. He was just lazy. There was a VERY vocal lady that was getting ready to leave that just let him have it. Even the clerk scolded him. Three people made some sort of comment to him about what he had done.

His response?

Him: 'You people can fuck off."

And with that he walked out.

So that was just about what I expected his response to be. What an intelligent answer from a lazy asshole that just had to have his canister of chew. Sadly, this happens all of the time. I just wish a police officer had stopped in at that moment for a soda or something. I wanted to drive over him and his car, but I just smiled. Karma is a bitch, and she was pretty pissed.

Just another Monday in paradise. Catch you Tuesday!

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