Thursday, October 11, 2012

Jerks and Clerks

I made my daily pilgrimage to Speedway to get some fuel and a Mountain Dew. Now, I had already covered the fact that Speedway had gone to a "Pre-Pay Only" format for getting gas. Of course with any change, there will be issues. I have seen people slam on the button at the gas pumps trying to get them to work, ignoring the BIG sign right by the button saying that you must pay ahead of time to get fuel. I think it's kind of a pain, but in the long run, it helps stop drive offs. Another customer, even AFTER the clerk announce over the loudspeaker that they had to pay first, continued to look at the pump, bewildered until I showed her what she had to do.

Enter moron #1.

A few days ago while I was standing in line to pay, a VERY irate man came in to show his less than thrilled attitude to anyone that would listen about pre-pay. "I don't have the extra time to come in and then go back out to pay!" Everyone was getting a little irritated by this guys ranting, and I could see the girl behind the counter dreading having to wait on him. He continued,  "They walk all over us because they know they can do it. I'm sick and tired of having to......"

I cut him off in mid sentence.

"I'm sick of you not shutting up over something so ridiculous! How about you shut up, and give everyone here that has to listen to you a break!"

He looked at me, and before he could even form a word, everyone else chimed in that I was right. One lady told him that she should not have to listen to him, and that the poor clerk didn't make the decision to go with the new format. I paid for my gas, as everyone else did, and then I stepped aside and waited until HE was finished. He never said another word. He paid, and left.

The clerk thanked me, and told me that this had happened before, but nobody ever said anything. I apologised for that asshole's behaviour, and she gave me a free fountain soda.

Enter moron #2.

Today another jerk decided to take his anger out on the clerk for pre-pay at Speedway. He came right in and started mouthing off to anyone that would listen. "I'll never come back to Speedway! I'll take my business to Shell instead!" I looked at him and informed him that Shell was starting pre-pay November 1st, and that most gas stations are going that route due to gasoline thefts and drive-offs.

But he would not shut up. He kept on bitching and going on about "Mistreatment by the big oil companies, that rape you at the pumps, and that someone needs to do something about it!"

I leaned over to him and told him he needed to be quiet. He was about to say something to me when someone behind him told him, "Shut the F*CK up!" He turned, and looked at 4 construction workers ready to plant him in the ground. He said something under his breath, and walked past them and out the door. I started laughing my ass off, as did the workers. The clerk smiled as he gave everyone and hearty "Thank You".

There are so many bigger things in the world to be concerned about. Pre-paying for your gas isn't one of them. My advice to those who make a HUGE deal out of nothing, is to shut up. It's just wasted energy that could be put to better use by laughing, loving and buying me a plate of nachos.

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