Tuesday, October 9, 2012

"In a world where love is forbidden......."

I find my mind preoccupied today. I have been stressing about several little things, and put together equal ALOT of strain on my brain. I used to be able to deal with anything as it comes, but lately? Not so much. I'm the kind of guy who wears his heart on his sleeve, and it has been the source of my demise on several occasions. I always tend to put others before myself. I can't help the way I am, it's just my nature.

I have this person, and I won't say who, that I have built 2 computers for. They had very little money, so I never charged them a dime. It felt good to help them out, and I knew they had appreciated it.

Or so I thought.

Turns out this person had turned around and sold them for $100 per computer. They were planning on asking me for another one, when I discovered this today. They never needed a computer. They already had 2 laptops. This person had been using me for over 2 years for things they told me they needed, and planned on doing it for as long as they can. THIS is what is wrong with the world. People taking advantage of others kindness. Even though this will be the third time this year I have been duped into helping someone that deceived me, I still continue to help where I can. I will not let a small batch of assholes change the type of person I am.

Yeah, I care too much. I care to a fault. I know this. I can't save the world, I can only hope to make it a little better in my corner of the planet.

So I called them and confronted them about what they had done with the computers I gave them. They at first denied knowing what I was talking about, but quickly admitted it when I presented what I knew. At that point, they actually lectured me. They told me what an idiot I was to try and help people, and that the computers I GAVE to them were piles of crap. I actually sat there on the phone and listened to every word they spoke. It really hurt me to know that someone who I thought needed my help, took that and basically spit on it.

I hung up the phone and actually started to cry. Instead I spent the next hour putting those jack-asses on every mailing list I could find online, from Amazon to ZZ Top's fan page, INCLUDING something called "The MAN-Ipulator" from a sex toy website.

Take that.

please make sure you visit my Autism awareness campaign at www.indiegogo.com/misterchips and help spread the word. With help, we can make a difference. Even if you can't donate, just linking it to others draws attention to a cause we can all get behind.

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