Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thursday Crap.

Turns out that my little confrontation with the "I'll park wherever I want" woman did the trick. She diffused my rant by actually doing the right thing, and is no longer parking in the handicapped spot. I still get dirty looks from her, but she knows she was wrong, and I was right. If everything was that easy.

Thanksgiving is coming up. If you know of someone that needs help feeding their family for the holiday, please let me know. I can put them in touch with several people that are ready to give to those who can use the hand up. It's tough having no money, but it's especially hard during the holidays. NOBODY should have to suffer for what ever reason. And if you want to help, I can also put you in contact with area food pantries.

For the next 30 days we are offering computer clean ups for only $25. If you have a virus, or your system is just running slow, get ahold of me. My cell is on my Facebook page. And as always, if you are current or former military, law enforcement or EMT your service is always free. Just my way of saying thanks to those who protect us, and in my case, helped save my life on 3 occasions.

I just spoke with my neighbor and friend that lives above us. Now, we live in a quad-plex. Two units up top, and two units below. She told me that the tenant that lived across from them just packed up her personal items and left 3 weeks ago and nobody knew it. She left behind a ton of crap and her 2 cats. One of which was dead when they finally got in there today. She had left only 4 bowls of cat food, and no water too speak of. This SICKENS me to no end. What kind of monster do you have to be to do this? Just drop them off to a shelter! I hope she smokes a burning turd in hell for what she did.

I want to close today's short blog with a simple comment. Good luck.

                                                                 You know who you are.

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