Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Stand by. They always return to the scene of the crime.

I had this HUGE rant I was going to blog about today, but the "lady" that I talked about yesterday who loved to park in handicapped spots when she was not at all handicapped, avoided me like the plague today and never showed up.

Don't worry though. She is a constant in a never ending world of jack-asses and she will be back.

I also wanted to give a shout out to the awesome woman at the Long Lake Elementary School who took it upon themselves to make sure my son has a safe haven when he's having a bad day at school. He had another meltdown in class, and they let him hang out down there. I know that teachers and school workers have a tough job. I just want to make sure that they get the credit they deserve.

See you tomorrow with pictures of my parking lot nemesis!

In the meantime, hear is something disturbing.......

                   Oh, man. I have nothing against vegans, but this is disturbing. Just look at this "feast".

Oh man, it looks like......I don't know, but it disturbs me. I have to go throw up now. *vurp*

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