Friday, November 30, 2012

"And it includes a roof"

When I started writing this blog, I did it because I wanted to share stories of my life. I also wanted to make you laugh, and inform everyone about everything from computer problems and solutions, to wondering if this thing on my groin looks infected. (Does it?) I wanted to be able to write something everyday. I wanted you to share this blog with as many folks as you could. Bu more important, I wanted to find a way to help people with my words. To use this blog to give whatever I could to those who needed information, or just a place where they could read that they were not alone in lifes troubles.

It has been a tough year for my family. There has been so many speed bumps in our road of life, that there were many times I felt like there was no way I was going to make it, and that I had failed my family as a man, and a father. Then, I had several people step up to help us out. Over the last 8 months, we went from homeless, to having a roof over our heads, and a place to call home. If it had not been for the help that we received, I honestly do not know where we would be right now. I am so grateful for these people, and I want you to know that I love you for what you did.

I so want to name these people here in my blog for their generosity. But I don't know if they would be offended or not. One person gave us $350 and said not to worry about ever paying them back. Another gave us $850. A very good friend of mine sent me a Western Union money order that was so unexpected, that I cried after I spoke with him. You know who you are, and I will NEVER forget what you and your friend did to help us until the day. Also Americinn in Charlevoix allowed us to say there, and let us also lodge our dog with us for an EXTREMELY reduced rate. The staff was so wonderful to us, and Randi Hunter who runs the hotel treated us so nice. And our friends who let us sleep on their couches and spare rooms while our apartment was getting ready for us. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I was also blessed to have friends who referred computer work to me so I could make some extra money, as well as Third Day Ministries in Charlevoix who got the ball rolling from the beginning. Now we are still struggling, but nowhere near as bad as it could have been. But there is light at the end of the tunnel. Our children will enjoy a nice Christmas this year, as will I because I know that I have friends and family that love us, and worry about us. I will have a hard time paying these friends back, but I am paying it forward. Today I have contacted the Salvation Army and had them put me on a volunteer list to be a bell ringer. I figure I have time during the day, and I can always sit every 30 minutes to rest my legs. I am also looking forward to delivering Christmas hams this year to families that can't afford alot. I encourage others to do whatever you can as well. Whether it's working at a food pantry, or just dropping a quarter in a donation can, you can do alot to help others.

This day is a great day for me. Because I am alive, and I hope to live a very long life. Doing whatever I can to help you, and as many others as I can.

Tomorrow I talk about the time I was knee deep in liquid cow manure!

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