Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I voted The Snausage Party!

36 years ago, our elementary school held an election to vote who we would vote for in the presidential race. We had to choose between Jimmy Carter or Gerald Ford. The voting was an all day thing, and Ford won by a landslide. We all know how it ended up in real life. Carter rolled to the win. Today my son Nolan got to vote in school as well.

He voted for Ice Cream. And Ice Cream won.

Ahh, to be young again.

I hope everyone had a chance to get out and vgote today. The Daily Skid Mark endorses only one canidate. Trevor. He's my dog, and he was running for The Snausage Party. He built his platform on higher taxes for cats, and a pot roast in every dog bowl. Can't go wrong with that!

                                                           Happy Election Day everyone!

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