When I started writing this blog, I did it because I wanted to share stories of my life. I also wanted to make you laugh, and inform everyone about everything from computer problems and solutions, to wondering if this thing on my groin looks infected. (Does it?) I wanted to be able to write something everyday. I wanted you to share this blog with as many folks as you could. Bu more important, I wanted to find a way to help people with my words. To use this blog to give whatever I could to those who needed information, or just a place where they could read that they were not alone in lifes troubles.
It has been a tough year for my family. There has been so many speed bumps in our road of life, that there were many times I felt like there was no way I was going to make it, and that I had failed my family as a man, and a father. Then, I had several people step up to help us out. Over the last 8 months, we went from homeless, to having a roof over our heads, and a place to call home. If it had not been for the help that we received, I honestly do not know where we would be right now. I am so grateful for these people, and I want you to know that I love you for what you did.
I so want to name these people here in my blog for their generosity. But I don't know if they would be offended or not. One person gave us $350 and said not to worry about ever paying them back. Another gave us $850. A very good friend of mine sent me a Western Union money order that was so unexpected, that I cried after I spoke with him. You know who you are, and I will NEVER forget what you and your friend did to help us until the day. Also Americinn in Charlevoix allowed us to say there, and let us also lodge our dog with us for an EXTREMELY reduced rate. The staff was so wonderful to us, and Randi Hunter who runs the hotel treated us so nice. And our friends who let us sleep on their couches and spare rooms while our apartment was getting ready for us. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I was also blessed to have friends who referred computer work to me so I could make some extra money, as well as Third Day Ministries in Charlevoix who got the ball rolling from the beginning. Now we are still struggling, but nowhere near as bad as it could have been. But there is light at the end of the tunnel. Our children will enjoy a nice Christmas this year, as will I because I know that I have friends and family that love us, and worry about us. I will have a hard time paying these friends back, but I am paying it forward. Today I have contacted the Salvation Army and had them put me on a volunteer list to be a bell ringer. I figure I have time during the day, and I can always sit every 30 minutes to rest my legs. I am also looking forward to delivering Christmas hams this year to families that can't afford alot. I encourage others to do whatever you can as well. Whether it's working at a food pantry, or just dropping a quarter in a donation can, you can do alot to help others.
This day is a great day for me. Because I am alive, and I hope to live a very long life. Doing whatever I can to help you, and as many others as I can.
Tomorrow I talk about the time I was knee deep in liquid cow manure!

Friday, November 30, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio?
Have you ever hit an animal with your car? Have you ever hit a CAT with your car? Have you ever hit your friends MOM'S cat with a car?
I did, and she never knew it was me.
I feel better now that I got that off my chest.
Back in the 70's my Dad used to take us to Detroit Tiger games at Tiger Stadium. It was cool that I was able to see all of the old Tigers play there. Al Kaline, Gates Brown, Willie Horton and several others. We also got to see newcomers Alan Trammell and Lou Whitaker in their first seasons. I used to love rolling into Southeast Michigan and picking up the Motown stations on the radio. This is one of the reasons I LOVE the music to this day. Then when we came around the corner and saw the stadium before us was so awesome. But NOTHING compared to the moment you walked out of the tunnel into the open air of Tiger Stadium. It was a cathedral. The Church Of Baseball. Batting practice was always a bonus. I remember watching Willie Horton crank balls over the roof 4 times in a row when the Tigers were taking their swings before the game one year. My dad even caught a foul ball off the bat of Robin Yount of the Milwaukee Brewers one year. The seats we wanted to get were not available, so we sat down the third base line by the foul pole. He smacked a line drive, and it curved towards us in foul territory. My dad grabbed my glove, and reached down and caught it right in the webbing, actually saving a woman from getting hit in the face with the ball, as she wasn't even paying attention.
Sadly years later, our dog Rory got ahold of the ball and chewed it up. Oh well.
We would always go out to dinner after the game. Usually Big Boy, but every once and awhile we would go to a place called Nickerson Farms. It sat right off the highway, and had the BEST food. I always got the farm burger, and it came with the biggest french fries. Years later it closed. Never to be opened again.
Tiger Stadium? Gone. Nickerson Farms? Gone too. I miss being a kid. I mean, I REALLY miss being a kid.
And I miss Tiger Stadium.
I did, and she never knew it was me.
I feel better now that I got that off my chest.
Back in the 70's my Dad used to take us to Detroit Tiger games at Tiger Stadium. It was cool that I was able to see all of the old Tigers play there. Al Kaline, Gates Brown, Willie Horton and several others. We also got to see newcomers Alan Trammell and Lou Whitaker in their first seasons. I used to love rolling into Southeast Michigan and picking up the Motown stations on the radio. This is one of the reasons I LOVE the music to this day. Then when we came around the corner and saw the stadium before us was so awesome. But NOTHING compared to the moment you walked out of the tunnel into the open air of Tiger Stadium. It was a cathedral. The Church Of Baseball. Batting practice was always a bonus. I remember watching Willie Horton crank balls over the roof 4 times in a row when the Tigers were taking their swings before the game one year. My dad even caught a foul ball off the bat of Robin Yount of the Milwaukee Brewers one year. The seats we wanted to get were not available, so we sat down the third base line by the foul pole. He smacked a line drive, and it curved towards us in foul territory. My dad grabbed my glove, and reached down and caught it right in the webbing, actually saving a woman from getting hit in the face with the ball, as she wasn't even paying attention.
Sadly years later, our dog Rory got ahold of the ball and chewed it up. Oh well.
We would always go out to dinner after the game. Usually Big Boy, but every once and awhile we would go to a place called Nickerson Farms. It sat right off the highway, and had the BEST food. I always got the farm burger, and it came with the biggest french fries. Years later it closed. Never to be opened again.
Tiger Stadium? Gone. Nickerson Farms? Gone too. I miss being a kid. I mean, I REALLY miss being a kid.
And I miss Tiger Stadium.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Life's little pop quiz. I'm ready.
Hi everyone! Sorry about the little vacation I took. Just dealing with another medical issue that kind of came out of left field. At first I thought it was a simple toothache, as I grind my teeth in my sleep. But it quickly turned ugly, and my lower left jaw was swollen. However, I had no idea it was because I still had my winter beard. Wednesday of last week I was put on a HEAVY regiment of antibiotics in case it was an abscess in a tooth. By Thursday I was in so much pain, that I couldn't even focus and was nearly in tears.
I missed Thanksgiving for the first time in years. Tina and the kids went to her brothers without me, and I stayed in bed all day trying to get even an hour of sleep. I had some Vicoden that had been prescribed for the pain, but it did nothing. Thursday night I took a shower, and shaved off my beard. That was when I saw how swollen my lower jaw and neck was. Even Tina was shocked. It only got worse.
By Friday afternoon I was miserable. It felt like someone injected my jaw with fluid, and it was going to burst. The pain would shoot up my jaw and into my ear, and then back across my jaw to the other side. The headaches that followed were the worst I had ever had. It felt like my ear was going to burst one second, and my teeth were going to explode the next. I kept taking my meds in the hope that it would soon defeat whatever it was that was causing this horrific experience.
I was not sure what else I could do to ease the pain. I resorted to rinsing my mouth out with vodka in the hopes that the alcohol content would kill the nerve. It actually worked, and I was able to get at least some sleep. Sunday came, and I exhausted my supply of pain killers. All I had left was Tylenol and vodka. I did however get some good news. I was able to get in to see the doctor on Monday, rather than Tuesday. Maybe we can finally figure out what is causing this swelling. I was already told it could be a lymph node, and that was NOT what I wanted to hear. Cancer runs in my family, and I, like an idiot, still smoke. It felt like a lymph node. I could feel the gland, and it was pretty swollen. There were three other glands in and around my neck that had also started to swell up. I was REALLY getting scared.
Today I went to the doctor. This is what I know right now. There is considerable swelling that is causing pressure on my third tooth in the lower left jaw. An abscess that is running rampant near and around the gland. It is also squeezing the nerve. The tooth that is being pushed on has to be removed to get to the abscess. Then we will find out exactly what we are dealing with.
Scared? Yeah. Scared shitless. I had no idea how I was going to come up with the money that was MY cost of the surgery. I put my 1995 Blazer on Facebook to see if anyone wanted to buy it so I could raise the cash I needed. I had people want to send me cash to help out (You know who you are, and thank you!), and I had someone else who wanted to raise the money to help me out. Thank you for your concern. It made me cry at the instant help that was offered to me. But There are SO many out there that are worse off than I am. At least I had something I could spare, and sell to get the money I needed.
I sold the Blazer not even 30 minutes after I posted it. Thank you Jami. I know you'll love the SUV.
So, here I am just waiting for the next part of this little test of life. I have passed these before, and I'll be damned if I'm going to let it beat me this time. Thank you everyone for your support. That is why I am proud to say that I love my friends and family. I am at peace knowing that you are all by my side.
I missed Thanksgiving for the first time in years. Tina and the kids went to her brothers without me, and I stayed in bed all day trying to get even an hour of sleep. I had some Vicoden that had been prescribed for the pain, but it did nothing. Thursday night I took a shower, and shaved off my beard. That was when I saw how swollen my lower jaw and neck was. Even Tina was shocked. It only got worse.
By Friday afternoon I was miserable. It felt like someone injected my jaw with fluid, and it was going to burst. The pain would shoot up my jaw and into my ear, and then back across my jaw to the other side. The headaches that followed were the worst I had ever had. It felt like my ear was going to burst one second, and my teeth were going to explode the next. I kept taking my meds in the hope that it would soon defeat whatever it was that was causing this horrific experience.
I was not sure what else I could do to ease the pain. I resorted to rinsing my mouth out with vodka in the hopes that the alcohol content would kill the nerve. It actually worked, and I was able to get at least some sleep. Sunday came, and I exhausted my supply of pain killers. All I had left was Tylenol and vodka. I did however get some good news. I was able to get in to see the doctor on Monday, rather than Tuesday. Maybe we can finally figure out what is causing this swelling. I was already told it could be a lymph node, and that was NOT what I wanted to hear. Cancer runs in my family, and I, like an idiot, still smoke. It felt like a lymph node. I could feel the gland, and it was pretty swollen. There were three other glands in and around my neck that had also started to swell up. I was REALLY getting scared.
Today I went to the doctor. This is what I know right now. There is considerable swelling that is causing pressure on my third tooth in the lower left jaw. An abscess that is running rampant near and around the gland. It is also squeezing the nerve. The tooth that is being pushed on has to be removed to get to the abscess. Then we will find out exactly what we are dealing with.
Scared? Yeah. Scared shitless. I had no idea how I was going to come up with the money that was MY cost of the surgery. I put my 1995 Blazer on Facebook to see if anyone wanted to buy it so I could raise the cash I needed. I had people want to send me cash to help out (You know who you are, and thank you!), and I had someone else who wanted to raise the money to help me out. Thank you for your concern. It made me cry at the instant help that was offered to me. But There are SO many out there that are worse off than I am. At least I had something I could spare, and sell to get the money I needed.
I sold the Blazer not even 30 minutes after I posted it. Thank you Jami. I know you'll love the SUV.
So, here I am just waiting for the next part of this little test of life. I have passed these before, and I'll be damned if I'm going to let it beat me this time. Thank you everyone for your support. That is why I am proud to say that I love my friends and family. I am at peace knowing that you are all by my side.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Well, stuff my turkey! (In a nice way)
There has been alot of slacking lately on my part. The Daily Skid Mark had been a daily blog. But I have had alot of medical issues lately, and the pain has been a distraction. Someone asked me last week if I didn't like writing my blog. Just he opposite. I LOVE updating my blog and sharing my stories with you. I just don't want to give a partial effort in writing about something. I tend to forget certain parts of what I want to tell you about, so I just hold off for a few days.
Coming in to the holiday season, I have also been concentrating on helping out those less fortunate. When times are tough, it's always worse during Thanksgiving and Christmas. For me, it is more a time of giving to others, even if it means I go with less than what I need to live on. I know that I will always be able to catch up, but those who have no means, will have it MUCH harder. Sadly, I will be giving less this year to help those who need it, but I will do my best. I encourage others to do what you can to help. I know times are SO tough for everyone. Even if it's $1 in a donation canister, someone will benefit from it. I recently tried to raise money for a friend who had no car. I was not able to raise near what I needed. Just when I thought I had failed, someone heard about what I was doing. I was able to trade a laptop that had been given to me for a decent car that was worth MUCH more than the laptop. He now is able to get to work, and drive his kids to school. That made my heart just glow. I wanted to write about the generosity, but he didn't want his name mentioned. So, I'll just say thank you.
Once again, I want to thank those who gave up their old computers so that people who needed them could have them. I am now out of computers, but I have been able to complete my list of people who were had requested one. If anyone has a computer they wish to donate, please get ahold of me. I am in need of laptops more than desktops due to the fact that laptops are basically an "all in one" system, and desktops require a mouse, keyboard and monitor.
I will return to my normal blog after Thanksgiving. I hope everyone has a GREAT time Thursday. I will be with my in-laws all day. I hope they make the deviled eggs I love so much.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
Coming in to the holiday season, I have also been concentrating on helping out those less fortunate. When times are tough, it's always worse during Thanksgiving and Christmas. For me, it is more a time of giving to others, even if it means I go with less than what I need to live on. I know that I will always be able to catch up, but those who have no means, will have it MUCH harder. Sadly, I will be giving less this year to help those who need it, but I will do my best. I encourage others to do what you can to help. I know times are SO tough for everyone. Even if it's $1 in a donation canister, someone will benefit from it. I recently tried to raise money for a friend who had no car. I was not able to raise near what I needed. Just when I thought I had failed, someone heard about what I was doing. I was able to trade a laptop that had been given to me for a decent car that was worth MUCH more than the laptop. He now is able to get to work, and drive his kids to school. That made my heart just glow. I wanted to write about the generosity, but he didn't want his name mentioned. So, I'll just say thank you.
Once again, I want to thank those who gave up their old computers so that people who needed them could have them. I am now out of computers, but I have been able to complete my list of people who were had requested one. If anyone has a computer they wish to donate, please get ahold of me. I am in need of laptops more than desktops due to the fact that laptops are basically an "all in one" system, and desktops require a mouse, keyboard and monitor.
I will return to my normal blog after Thanksgiving. I hope everyone has a GREAT time Thursday. I will be with my in-laws all day. I hope they make the deviled eggs I love so much.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Don't forget the kick in the ass.
When I was on the road to recovery from having GBS, I was thankful that I had friends that were there for me. They couldn't always be there physically, but they were there to call, and make sure I had someone to talk to and keep my spirits lifted. They knew how tough my ordeal had been, and the rehab that followed was very stressing. No matter how down I got, I always had someone there. That allowed me to be strong when everything seemed hopeless. I would have days when I was so depressed, but knowing that I could call someone, and they would be on the other of that phone made me survive the tough times.
Once, Sue Macks called and asked if I wanted to go for a drive and get out for some fresh air. It was great. We drove out of town and sat and talked for an hour. It is those kind of friends that I am proud to have on my side. I have not seen much of her in the last few years, but I know that she WOULD be there if I needed her.
When I was finally able to drive, I went anywhere I could. I took alot for granted, and I swore I never would again. I have alot to be thankful for today. I easily could have died, but I didn't. I easily could have had horrible residual effects from the GBS, but I didn't. I carry the reminder of being sick with the nerve damage in my feet, and the lack of feeling in my hands. But I don't let it stop me.
NEVER underestimate the power that your friends have to lift you up. True friends will never stop picking you up when you need a helping hand. Even when they are down themselves. That's how it works. You help when you can, and they return the favor when YOU need it. It could be something as little as them buying you a soda, or something as big as throwing $300 in your pocket to help you buy a car you need to get to work. There are no limits to what a good friend will do to help you out. My friends are awesome. They will always be there for me. If for anything, to kick my ass when I need it. (And trust me, I have needed it)
And I love them for that.
My friends know who they are. They never ask for credit for the things they do. But I do give them credit. The friends I have now are the friends I will have the rest of my life. They have always been there for me, as I will always be there for them.
Once, Sue Macks called and asked if I wanted to go for a drive and get out for some fresh air. It was great. We drove out of town and sat and talked for an hour. It is those kind of friends that I am proud to have on my side. I have not seen much of her in the last few years, but I know that she WOULD be there if I needed her.
When I was finally able to drive, I went anywhere I could. I took alot for granted, and I swore I never would again. I have alot to be thankful for today. I easily could have died, but I didn't. I easily could have had horrible residual effects from the GBS, but I didn't. I carry the reminder of being sick with the nerve damage in my feet, and the lack of feeling in my hands. But I don't let it stop me.
NEVER underestimate the power that your friends have to lift you up. True friends will never stop picking you up when you need a helping hand. Even when they are down themselves. That's how it works. You help when you can, and they return the favor when YOU need it. It could be something as little as them buying you a soda, or something as big as throwing $300 in your pocket to help you buy a car you need to get to work. There are no limits to what a good friend will do to help you out. My friends are awesome. They will always be there for me. If for anything, to kick my ass when I need it. (And trust me, I have needed it)
And I love them for that.
My friends know who they are. They never ask for credit for the things they do. But I do give them credit. The friends I have now are the friends I will have the rest of my life. They have always been there for me, as I will always be there for them.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Thursday Crap.
Turns out that my little confrontation with the "I'll park wherever I want" woman did the trick. She diffused my rant by actually doing the right thing, and is no longer parking in the handicapped spot. I still get dirty looks from her, but she knows she was wrong, and I was right. If everything was that easy.
Thanksgiving is coming up. If you know of someone that needs help feeding their family for the holiday, please let me know. I can put them in touch with several people that are ready to give to those who can use the hand up. It's tough having no money, but it's especially hard during the holidays. NOBODY should have to suffer for what ever reason. And if you want to help, I can also put you in contact with area food pantries.
For the next 30 days we are offering computer clean ups for only $25. If you have a virus, or your system is just running slow, get ahold of me. My cell is on my Facebook page. And as always, if you are current or former military, law enforcement or EMT your service is always free. Just my way of saying thanks to those who protect us, and in my case, helped save my life on 3 occasions.
I just spoke with my neighbor and friend that lives above us. Now, we live in a quad-plex. Two units up top, and two units below. She told me that the tenant that lived across from them just packed up her personal items and left 3 weeks ago and nobody knew it. She left behind a ton of crap and her 2 cats. One of which was dead when they finally got in there today. She had left only 4 bowls of cat food, and no water too speak of. This SICKENS me to no end. What kind of monster do you have to be to do this? Just drop them off to a shelter! I hope she smokes a burning turd in hell for what she did.
I want to close today's short blog with a simple comment. Good luck.
You know who you are.
Thanksgiving is coming up. If you know of someone that needs help feeding their family for the holiday, please let me know. I can put them in touch with several people that are ready to give to those who can use the hand up. It's tough having no money, but it's especially hard during the holidays. NOBODY should have to suffer for what ever reason. And if you want to help, I can also put you in contact with area food pantries.
For the next 30 days we are offering computer clean ups for only $25. If you have a virus, or your system is just running slow, get ahold of me. My cell is on my Facebook page. And as always, if you are current or former military, law enforcement or EMT your service is always free. Just my way of saying thanks to those who protect us, and in my case, helped save my life on 3 occasions.
I just spoke with my neighbor and friend that lives above us. Now, we live in a quad-plex. Two units up top, and two units below. She told me that the tenant that lived across from them just packed up her personal items and left 3 weeks ago and nobody knew it. She left behind a ton of crap and her 2 cats. One of which was dead when they finally got in there today. She had left only 4 bowls of cat food, and no water too speak of. This SICKENS me to no end. What kind of monster do you have to be to do this? Just drop them off to a shelter! I hope she smokes a burning turd in hell for what she did.
I want to close today's short blog with a simple comment. Good luck.
You know who you are.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Stand by. They always return to the scene of the crime.
I had this HUGE rant I was going to blog about today, but the "lady" that I talked about yesterday who loved to park in handicapped spots when she was not at all handicapped, avoided me like the plague today and never showed up.
Don't worry though. She is a constant in a never ending world of jack-asses and she will be back.
I also wanted to give a shout out to the awesome woman at the Long Lake Elementary School who took it upon themselves to make sure my son has a safe haven when he's having a bad day at school. He had another meltdown in class, and they let him hang out down there. I know that teachers and school workers have a tough job. I just want to make sure that they get the credit they deserve.
See you tomorrow with pictures of my parking lot nemesis!
In the meantime, hear is something disturbing.......
Oh, man. I have nothing against vegans, but this is disturbing. Just look at this "feast".
Oh man, it looks like......I don't know, but it disturbs me. I have to go throw up now. *vurp*
Don't worry though. She is a constant in a never ending world of jack-asses and she will be back.
I also wanted to give a shout out to the awesome woman at the Long Lake Elementary School who took it upon themselves to make sure my son has a safe haven when he's having a bad day at school. He had another meltdown in class, and they let him hang out down there. I know that teachers and school workers have a tough job. I just want to make sure that they get the credit they deserve.
See you tomorrow with pictures of my parking lot nemesis!
In the meantime, hear is something disturbing.......
Oh man, it looks like......I don't know, but it disturbs me. I have to go throw up now. *vurp*
Monday, November 12, 2012
Tomorrow, we rant....it will be good.
Tonight, I am prepping my rant about jerks who blatently park in handicapped spot, KNOWING they are not entitled to be using it. Case in point the woman that parks in one and does nothing but chat on her cell phone until her child comes out of school, even when others who DO have a plate or sticker is denied that spot.
Did I finally confront her? Yes I did.
There will be pictures tomorrow........
Until then, enjoy this.
The Alternate Universe Channel
by Lore Sjöberg
Did I finally confront her? Yes I did.
There will be pictures tomorrow........
Until then, enjoy this.
The Alternate Universe Channel
by Lore Sjöberg
10:00 AM
| Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek Babies Baby Kirk and Baby Spock must travel to an unknown nursery to learn the importance of sharing. |
10:30 AM
| Ladyhawke Forever In this, the third and best film of the series, Gaston loses his memory and and must quest to discover his own hidden past -- and dark destiny. **** |
12:30 PM
| Gardening with Kurt and Tupac Kurt Cobain and Tupac Shakur share gardening tips. This week: aphids. |
1:00 PM
| Family Feud Family members are given power tools and put in a steel pit to resolve differences. Louie Anderson hosts. |
1:30 PM
| Where Are They Now? Former celebrities are tracked down and interviewed. This week: Fitness instructor and former singer Madonna Ciccone |
2:00 PM
| NFL Football Fresno Assassins vs. Urbana Jackals |
5:00 PM
| Shining Time Station Thomas must enter the seedy world of organized crime to track down the man who killed his wife. Mature themes. |
6:00 PM
| World's Safest Drivers Real-life footage of capable drivers avoiding accidents through quick thinking and defensive driving techniques. |
6:30 PM
| Fashion Emergency Supermodels give first aid to accident victims while showcasing fabulous outfits. |
7:00 PM
| Politically Correct Bill Maher and celebrity guests discuss non-controversial subjects. This week's topics: "Fish sure are wet" and "I've got toes." |
7:30 PM
| Three's Company Again Premiere. The children of Jack Tripper, Chrissy Snow, and Janet Wood attempt to get along while hiding their Internet porn startup from the landlord. |
8:00 PM
| Presidential Address U.S. President Bob Ross speaks on the state of the union and paints a seascape with happy clouds. |
Friday, November 9, 2012
Someone needs a helping hand badly.
Ok friends. I am trying to raise some money to get a car for a REALLY good friend that needs one for work, and that will be safe to drive his kids in as well. They literally have NO money to get a car, and now he has a chance to impe his situation. I have found a great deal for him and I have put some money down to help out, but I don't have enough to pay for the whole price. I need to raise $1000 in the next week. If you are interested, and want to help send me a response and I will tell you how you can help. I know times are really tough. I did what I could do to help, now I'm asking you to do the same if you can. I do NOT want to give his name on here as he has no idea I'm doing this. But if you need further details, I will share them with you. Thanks everyone!
You can also e-mail me at misterchipspc@yahoo.com for more details on what you can do to help out a really good person that always puts other ahead of himself. I can also be sent a message via my Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/MARK.IN.THE.DARK
Thank you!
You can also e-mail me at misterchipspc@yahoo.com for more details on what you can do to help out a really good person that always puts other ahead of himself. I can also be sent a message via my Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/MARK.IN.THE.DARK
Thank you!
Charlie's Dump and Drag Racing!
When I lived in Jenison Michigan as a kid, it was a great time. 1974-1977. We used to walk to school, and there were never many worries about getting in to any danger. Hell, we used to walk across 4 lanes of traffic on Baldwin Avenue just to get a can of Scot Lad soda in the heavy steel cans from the D&W grocery store. I went to Sandy Hill Elementary, and drove my teachers nuts. My first grade teacher retired after she had me in class.
Where we lived was a cool little subdivision that had a HUGE grove of pine trees, and open field behind it. We used to play guns and hide and go seek in those woods. When we wanted to sled in the winter, we walked to a place called Charlie's Dump. It was basically a HUGE gravel pit type place that had a pond and old cars and stuff lying around. It was cool because you could collect tadpoles in the summer from the pond, and raise them yourself. The slopes were AWESOME for sledding down, oh oh MAN was it dangerous. There was always people with dirt bikes climbing the hill during the warm spring and summer. I'm pretty sure that the entire place has been filled in, and is now a soccer field. Such is the way of progress. The huge field and pine trees are also gone. It's nothing but houses and businesses now.
WGRD played nothing but rock, and we used to go to Hager Park to play on the swings. The park had this really cool lookout that you could climb up and look down to see a map of the USA done with white rocks that was not visible from the ground. We played little league baseball at Georgetown Park. The field has been around for over 60 years. I loved to get Lick-N-Dip candy after games, and our coach always had a case of Sun-Glo soda for the players. We won the championship 3 years in a year.
Our neighbor, and family friend across the street from us was Frank Seibert. He worked for Kendall Motor Oil , and was always getting us cool stickers and stuff. His daughter Martha used to babysit us with her friend Jody Dekkinga. I loved them. They were always the coolest girls I knew. Frank was a helluva nice guy. He passed a few years back, and I was saddened to hear this. He was such a nice guy that always made us laugh. I remember we spent the 4th of July 1976 with his family grilling at the park, and then watching the fireworks in Grand Rapids. He used to also get pit passes to Martin Speedway, and we always went to The Popular Hot Rod Championships there. We watched and got to meet several drag racers. Don "Big Daddy" Garlits, Don 'The Snake' Prudhomme, "TV" Tommy Ivo, Shirley "Cha Cha" Muldowney and more. I still have pictures that I need to find, but what a time to be young. I mean, we got to walk the pits and have Frank introduce us to these legends!
Jody's brother had a kick-ass Camaro that was featured in Hot Rod Magazine. We always got to watch them work on cars. All hours of the night we would hear engines rev as they would build these monsters.
I loved living in Jenison, and I look back fondly at my time there. My Aunt Linda lived just down the road from where we were, and we could walk there and hang out. I remember watching the World Series once on her TV when the Oakland A's were playing. Reggie Jackson was batting and I think he hit a home run.
Now the entire area we used to play around is fully developed. Frank has since passed along with his wife Bonnie who was a saint. I never hear much from Martha or Jody. It has been several years in fact, but I still think about them. There are several other memories I have about living in Jenison that I will talk about later. Man do I have some stories.......
Where we lived was a cool little subdivision that had a HUGE grove of pine trees, and open field behind it. We used to play guns and hide and go seek in those woods. When we wanted to sled in the winter, we walked to a place called Charlie's Dump. It was basically a HUGE gravel pit type place that had a pond and old cars and stuff lying around. It was cool because you could collect tadpoles in the summer from the pond, and raise them yourself. The slopes were AWESOME for sledding down, oh oh MAN was it dangerous. There was always people with dirt bikes climbing the hill during the warm spring and summer. I'm pretty sure that the entire place has been filled in, and is now a soccer field. Such is the way of progress. The huge field and pine trees are also gone. It's nothing but houses and businesses now.
WGRD played nothing but rock, and we used to go to Hager Park to play on the swings. The park had this really cool lookout that you could climb up and look down to see a map of the USA done with white rocks that was not visible from the ground. We played little league baseball at Georgetown Park. The field has been around for over 60 years. I loved to get Lick-N-Dip candy after games, and our coach always had a case of Sun-Glo soda for the players. We won the championship 3 years in a year.
Our neighbor, and family friend across the street from us was Frank Seibert. He worked for Kendall Motor Oil , and was always getting us cool stickers and stuff. His daughter Martha used to babysit us with her friend Jody Dekkinga. I loved them. They were always the coolest girls I knew. Frank was a helluva nice guy. He passed a few years back, and I was saddened to hear this. He was such a nice guy that always made us laugh. I remember we spent the 4th of July 1976 with his family grilling at the park, and then watching the fireworks in Grand Rapids. He used to also get pit passes to Martin Speedway, and we always went to The Popular Hot Rod Championships there. We watched and got to meet several drag racers. Don "Big Daddy" Garlits, Don 'The Snake' Prudhomme, "TV" Tommy Ivo, Shirley "Cha Cha" Muldowney and more. I still have pictures that I need to find, but what a time to be young. I mean, we got to walk the pits and have Frank introduce us to these legends!
Jody's brother had a kick-ass Camaro that was featured in Hot Rod Magazine. We always got to watch them work on cars. All hours of the night we would hear engines rev as they would build these monsters.
I loved living in Jenison, and I look back fondly at my time there. My Aunt Linda lived just down the road from where we were, and we could walk there and hang out. I remember watching the World Series once on her TV when the Oakland A's were playing. Reggie Jackson was batting and I think he hit a home run.
Now the entire area we used to play around is fully developed. Frank has since passed along with his wife Bonnie who was a saint. I never hear much from Martha or Jody. It has been several years in fact, but I still think about them. There are several other memories I have about living in Jenison that I will talk about later. Man do I have some stories.......
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Now availabe for 89 easy payments of $49.99!
I love to make people laugh. It's what I do. No matter how I'm feeling, I make it priority one to make you smile. It's almost therapeutic to me. You see, I deal with alot of pain every day. From my toes to my sinuses, I'm a walking wreck. It isn't that I'm here to complain. Far from it. I just want to let you know that laughter can make anyone feel better. If it wasn't for the smile on the faces of my wife and children, I would probably be a corpse.
I really beat the crap out of my body over the years. From racing dirt bike to falling into a 45 foot ravine and everything in between, I should be dead. It doesn't help that I smoke and have terrible Mountain Dew addiction. Currently I suffer from a mangled ankle, and seasonal nerve pain in my feet from GBS. It makes mornings and evenings a real blast. As a matter of fact, I just sneezed all over the screen of my laptop. Eww....
But, I still get up in the morning and do it all again. I do it for the fact that, yes I am in pain, but I am also alive. And until the day comes when I DON'T wake up, I will make the best of what life has to offer. That is why I like to make you laugh. I don't have to, I want to. Life can be pretty damn sucky, but it's only as sucky as you let it be. I don't speak for everyone, that's for sure. But I survive with a smile. My friends and family make sure I smile, so I love to return the favor.
Now, how about a song from my Greatest Hits compilation available through Flaming Cabbage Productions? Elvis and Kenny Rodgers be damned, I am SO much smoother.........
I love that the PLAY arrow is on my nose.....looks like some kind of mutant pimple. Keep smiling people!
I really beat the crap out of my body over the years. From racing dirt bike to falling into a 45 foot ravine and everything in between, I should be dead. It doesn't help that I smoke and have terrible Mountain Dew addiction. Currently I suffer from a mangled ankle, and seasonal nerve pain in my feet from GBS. It makes mornings and evenings a real blast. As a matter of fact, I just sneezed all over the screen of my laptop. Eww....
But, I still get up in the morning and do it all again. I do it for the fact that, yes I am in pain, but I am also alive. And until the day comes when I DON'T wake up, I will make the best of what life has to offer. That is why I like to make you laugh. I don't have to, I want to. Life can be pretty damn sucky, but it's only as sucky as you let it be. I don't speak for everyone, that's for sure. But I survive with a smile. My friends and family make sure I smile, so I love to return the favor.
Now, how about a song from my Greatest Hits compilation available through Flaming Cabbage Productions? Elvis and Kenny Rodgers be damned, I am SO much smoother.........
I love that the PLAY arrow is on my nose.....looks like some kind of mutant pimple. Keep smiling people!
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Blair is on Survivor?????
Yeah, I just found that out, and I still hate that show.
I'm taking the day off. I need to take care of some work I have been neglecting, so there will be no personal blog today. Instead, I have a bit from the legendary vault.
Enjoy, and I will see you tomorrow!
Simple Things You Can Do To Save The Earth From An Asteroid
by David Neilsen
Well, we've done it again. Once again, a huge Earth-smashing asteroid hurtling towards the planet has been convinced to take an off-ramp on the devastation-superhighway. Just days after Asteroid 2000BF19 was discovered racing towards a date of Earthly extinction in 2022, the course was rechecked and it turns out that 2000BF19 will miss us by 3.5 Million miles.
Next time we might not be so lucky. Sooner or later will come the announcement that "After reviewing new data from scientists around the world, we have determined that the orbiting rock will, in fact, nail Earth head-on, landing just outside Sunnyvale, California. We're all going to die."
So it's time to get busy!
Here are some very sound and sincere plans that we, as a united world, should get into the planning stages to prepare us for just such an emergency.
Only a superhero can stop the asteroid and save Earth. So we'd better start growing one! While we can't sit around with our fingers crossed hoping for a wayward son of Krypton to happen upon the planet, we can certainly do something about getting ourselves a real-life radioactive superhero. Let's start incubating our infants in nuclear reactors and see if any of 'em grow up with some superpowers.
Pluses: Hello? Franchise rights anyone? You think the Batman movies made some dough, wait'll you see the receipts from these flicks!
Minuses: For every Super Atomic Man we produce, we'll probably get five hundred freaks with webbed toes.
Many asteroids have loads and loads of metal ore in them. We build a really big magnet and set it on Mars in hopes that the asteroid will be pulled away from it's Earth-trajectory and go smashing into Mars instead.
Pluses: Getting rid of Mars means there's only seven planets left to kill before Earth reigns supreme.
Minuses: Strong magnetic field emanating from Mars makes all television sets run nothing but The Food Network 24-7.
World coming to an end? Time to rock! Put together an all-star line up to perform a huge three-day concert to raise money for stopping the asteroid.
Pluses: Great chance to catch long-awaited REO Speedwagon reunion.
Minuses: Truth told, a big rock concert isn't really gonna stop a killer asteroid.
Big ball of rock heading for Earth? Let's get America's biggest slugger, Mark McGwire out there with a huge bat to meet it. I figure we put Mark back on Andro to pump him up a bit, then send him out there to take his hacks at the biggest baseball he'll ever see.
Pluses: Baseball goes from America's game to Earth's game. I mean it's not like anyone's gonna save the planet playing cricket.
Minuses: If successful, next season McGwire will negotiate a salary so big we'll have to sell Louisiana back to the French to pay it.
Master Magician David Copperfield has won international acclaim with his incredible power to make such things as train cars and The Statue of Liberty disappear. On a nationally televised special, David stands atop the Great Pyramid and, as zero hour approaches, simply magics the asteroid away.
Pluses: Advertising revenue from "David Copperfield Saves the World" feeds the world's hungry for three years. Claudia Schiffer probably makes an appearance.
Minuses: Unknown if David can work under pressure. I mean it's not like he was under any great time crunch to get rid of the Statue of Liberty.
We may not be able to stop the oncoming asteroid, but we can make sure that when it arrives, we aren't here to greet it. Scientists have long theorized that, due to the law of gravity and what not, if 1 billion theoretical Chinese citizens jumped into the air at the same time, the resulting pull of gravity would shift the Earth out of it's orbit. Sounds good to me. Let's get those folks jumping!
Pluses: Repeated use of this project would quickly get 1 billion people in great shape!
Minuses: The noise. "What's that racket!" "Why it's those damn Chinese folk, jumping up and down to save the world. Again." "Well can't they keep it down? Hee-Haw's on!"
I'm taking the day off. I need to take care of some work I have been neglecting, so there will be no personal blog today. Instead, I have a bit from the legendary vault.
Enjoy, and I will see you tomorrow!
Simple Things You Can Do To Save The Earth From An Asteroid
by David Neilsen
Well, we've done it again. Once again, a huge Earth-smashing asteroid hurtling towards the planet has been convinced to take an off-ramp on the devastation-superhighway. Just days after Asteroid 2000BF19 was discovered racing towards a date of Earthly extinction in 2022, the course was rechecked and it turns out that 2000BF19 will miss us by 3.5 Million miles.
Next time we might not be so lucky. Sooner or later will come the announcement that "After reviewing new data from scientists around the world, we have determined that the orbiting rock will, in fact, nail Earth head-on, landing just outside Sunnyvale, California. We're all going to die."
So it's time to get busy!
Here are some very sound and sincere plans that we, as a united world, should get into the planning stages to prepare us for just such an emergency.
Project: Superhero
Only a superhero can stop the asteroid and save Earth. So we'd better start growing one! While we can't sit around with our fingers crossed hoping for a wayward son of Krypton to happen upon the planet, we can certainly do something about getting ourselves a real-life radioactive superhero. Let's start incubating our infants in nuclear reactors and see if any of 'em grow up with some superpowers.
Pluses: Hello? Franchise rights anyone? You think the Batman movies made some dough, wait'll you see the receipts from these flicks!
Minuses: For every Super Atomic Man we produce, we'll probably get five hundred freaks with webbed toes.
Project: Mars Magnet
Many asteroids have loads and loads of metal ore in them. We build a really big magnet and set it on Mars in hopes that the asteroid will be pulled away from it's Earth-trajectory and go smashing into Mars instead.
Pluses: Getting rid of Mars means there's only seven planets left to kill before Earth reigns supreme.
Minuses: Strong magnetic field emanating from Mars makes all television sets run nothing but The Food Network 24-7.
Project: Asteroid-Aid
World coming to an end? Time to rock! Put together an all-star line up to perform a huge three-day concert to raise money for stopping the asteroid.
Pluses: Great chance to catch long-awaited REO Speedwagon reunion.
Minuses: Truth told, a big rock concert isn't really gonna stop a killer asteroid.
Project: Mark McGwire
Big ball of rock heading for Earth? Let's get America's biggest slugger, Mark McGwire out there with a huge bat to meet it. I figure we put Mark back on Andro to pump him up a bit, then send him out there to take his hacks at the biggest baseball he'll ever see.
Pluses: Baseball goes from America's game to Earth's game. I mean it's not like anyone's gonna save the planet playing cricket.
Minuses: If successful, next season McGwire will negotiate a salary so big we'll have to sell Louisiana back to the French to pay it.
Project: David Copperfield
Master Magician David Copperfield has won international acclaim with his incredible power to make such things as train cars and The Statue of Liberty disappear. On a nationally televised special, David stands atop the Great Pyramid and, as zero hour approaches, simply magics the asteroid away.
Pluses: Advertising revenue from "David Copperfield Saves the World" feeds the world's hungry for three years. Claudia Schiffer probably makes an appearance.
Minuses: Unknown if David can work under pressure. I mean it's not like he was under any great time crunch to get rid of the Statue of Liberty.
Project: Jumping China
We may not be able to stop the oncoming asteroid, but we can make sure that when it arrives, we aren't here to greet it. Scientists have long theorized that, due to the law of gravity and what not, if 1 billion theoretical Chinese citizens jumped into the air at the same time, the resulting pull of gravity would shift the Earth out of it's orbit. Sounds good to me. Let's get those folks jumping!
Pluses: Repeated use of this project would quickly get 1 billion people in great shape!
Minuses: The noise. "What's that racket!" "Why it's those damn Chinese folk, jumping up and down to save the world. Again." "Well can't they keep it down? Hee-Haw's on!"
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
I voted The Snausage Party!
36 years ago, our elementary school held an election to vote who we would vote for in the presidential race. We had to choose between Jimmy Carter or Gerald Ford. The voting was an all day thing, and Ford won by a landslide. We all know how it ended up in real life. Carter rolled to the win. Today my son Nolan got to vote in school as well.
He voted for Ice Cream. And Ice Cream won.
Ahh, to be young again.
I hope everyone had a chance to get out and vgote today. The Daily Skid Mark endorses only one canidate. Trevor. He's my dog, and he was running for The Snausage Party. He built his platform on higher taxes for cats, and a pot roast in every dog bowl. Can't go wrong with that!
Happy Election Day everyone!
He voted for Ice Cream. And Ice Cream won.
Ahh, to be young again.
I hope everyone had a chance to get out and vgote today. The Daily Skid Mark endorses only one canidate. Trevor. He's my dog, and he was running for The Snausage Party. He built his platform on higher taxes for cats, and a pot roast in every dog bowl. Can't go wrong with that!
Happy Election Day everyone!
Monday, November 5, 2012
Who can answer this question?
In the 70's I grew up in the Grand Rapids area. There was a haunted house that was just off the highway. It also offered horse rides, hay rides and nature trails to walk down. For the life of me, I cannot remember the name of this place. We went there on a class field trip when I was in 2nd grade. The last time I remember geeing it was in 1977. Even after all of my trips back downstate over the years, I don't see ANY evidence of this place even existing.
The first person to identify what this place was called, and what ever happened to it whens a mention on my blog, as well as my eternal gratitude for saving a childhood memory for me.
I will tell my story of the time I went there and had the CRAP scared out of me tomorrow.
Get cracking and see who can answer the question that has plagued me for years.
The first person to identify what this place was called, and what ever happened to it whens a mention on my blog, as well as my eternal gratitude for saving a childhood memory for me.
I will tell my story of the time I went there and had the CRAP scared out of me tomorrow.
Get cracking and see who can answer the question that has plagued me for years.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
A scurvy pirate be lurkin' in todays blog.
I don't have anythin' to scribe 'bout this day. I have be busy cookin' 'n gettin' th' ship cleaned up this day. I'll return Monday wit' a story 'o stupidity from me past. Just fer grins though, I figure I would message 'tis in scurvy pirate shout. spy wit' ye eye ye on Monday!
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Fear Part 2
What are you afraid of?
The only thing I was ever really afraid of when I was a kid was thunderstorms. Nothing else fazed me one bit. Bugs? Nope. Snakes? Never. My Uncle Charlie? Well, maybe a little. He was a weirdo.
Nope, I was always pretty good at conquering my fears. That was until I had GBS. I know I covered alot of what happened to me when I was very sick in 1999, but I never really spoke of the long lasting effects of what had happened to cause the fears that I suffer through everyday of my life now.
I have worked overnight shifts since I was in high school. It started at Meijer, and continued on when I started working in radio, all the way through 1997. I was used to always being awake at night, and I enjoyed the peace that came with it. I loved being alone, and I really didn't have to answer to anyone except my listeners, and an occasional call from my boss as to why I just played Marilyn Manson's The Beautiful People. I would drive to work at night with no traffic, and go home in the morning as the sun came up. It was great.
Then 1999, and the GBS wiped all of that out. I would lie awake at night in the hospital wondering if I was going to live or die. Even after I left ICU and went to Munson for re-hab, the fear was with me. Even though I was in a HUGE hospital, I felt so very alone. Once I went home, it was even worse. I had to stay at my parents house since I was in a wheelchair, and their home was accessible for me. They would go to bed around 10pm, and my ex-wife would never stay with me. So I would just sit up in bed, listening to the radio, hoping that I was not going to die because something would happen to me, and nobody would hear my cries for help. My doctor put me on anti anxiety medication to help. Effexor was the pill she chose for me. Now, I won't list what happens when you take this medication, but in short, it has a nickname.
"Side Effexor"
It did very little to help with my anxiety, but it sure messed up my body! I really loved it when my body would start to shiver for no apparent reason, and then I would barf after 10 minutes. If you missed a dose, God help you. I actually collapsed at work with my heart rate at about 180 that lasted 3-4 minutes, then would go right back to normal like hitting a switch. I would still lay in bed at night freaking out, but at least all of the diarrhea that I had from it distracted me.
Finally, I was able to change my medication to Celexa which helped SO much more. It was able to relieve me of my daily anxiety, and help with the night terrors that I was suffering from. But to this day, I am still scared.
I can be in bed at night next to my wife who is asleep, and still get scared. Sometimes terrified that I am not going to wake up in the morning. It gets so bad that I force myself to stay awake all night, just to make sure I will stay alive. Sometimes, I cry because the stress is so bad. And when I do wake up in the morning, I am sometimes afraid to move because if I do, I will have a heart attack or something. I know, this is ridiculous, but to me it is VERY real. And I have to deal with it every day of my life. There is NO amount of medication that will fully help me get over the fear that I have incurred because of my GBS, but I do my best to plow through every day the best I can.
Imagine sitting on the edge of your bed at night. Now imagine being frozen with fear. You can't move. You cant talk. You cant hardly breathe. You try to open your mouth, and nothing comes out. You try to reach out, but you cannot move. All you can do is panic and cry until it passes and you can relax.
That happens to me 3 times a week on average.
It gets worse whenever I get a bad cold, or some injury. It enhances the fear that I go through. My only saving grace is my loving family, and friends that always watch out for me. Without my friends and family, I would have been dead years ago. Either from stress, or my own hands.
Everybody has fear they have to deal with. And everyone has their own way of going about getting over it. But fear never goes away. No matter what you try. You just have to deal with it, and do your best to survive another day. It's not easy, but you do it anyways.
If I can do it, you can do it. Never give up.
Man, I wonder if my weird Uncle Charlie is still alive? I just got freaked out all over again.
The only thing I was ever really afraid of when I was a kid was thunderstorms. Nothing else fazed me one bit. Bugs? Nope. Snakes? Never. My Uncle Charlie? Well, maybe a little. He was a weirdo.
Nope, I was always pretty good at conquering my fears. That was until I had GBS. I know I covered alot of what happened to me when I was very sick in 1999, but I never really spoke of the long lasting effects of what had happened to cause the fears that I suffer through everyday of my life now.
I have worked overnight shifts since I was in high school. It started at Meijer, and continued on when I started working in radio, all the way through 1997. I was used to always being awake at night, and I enjoyed the peace that came with it. I loved being alone, and I really didn't have to answer to anyone except my listeners, and an occasional call from my boss as to why I just played Marilyn Manson's The Beautiful People. I would drive to work at night with no traffic, and go home in the morning as the sun came up. It was great.
Then 1999, and the GBS wiped all of that out. I would lie awake at night in the hospital wondering if I was going to live or die. Even after I left ICU and went to Munson for re-hab, the fear was with me. Even though I was in a HUGE hospital, I felt so very alone. Once I went home, it was even worse. I had to stay at my parents house since I was in a wheelchair, and their home was accessible for me. They would go to bed around 10pm, and my ex-wife would never stay with me. So I would just sit up in bed, listening to the radio, hoping that I was not going to die because something would happen to me, and nobody would hear my cries for help. My doctor put me on anti anxiety medication to help. Effexor was the pill she chose for me. Now, I won't list what happens when you take this medication, but in short, it has a nickname.
"Side Effexor"
It did very little to help with my anxiety, but it sure messed up my body! I really loved it when my body would start to shiver for no apparent reason, and then I would barf after 10 minutes. If you missed a dose, God help you. I actually collapsed at work with my heart rate at about 180 that lasted 3-4 minutes, then would go right back to normal like hitting a switch. I would still lay in bed at night freaking out, but at least all of the diarrhea that I had from it distracted me.
Finally, I was able to change my medication to Celexa which helped SO much more. It was able to relieve me of my daily anxiety, and help with the night terrors that I was suffering from. But to this day, I am still scared.
I can be in bed at night next to my wife who is asleep, and still get scared. Sometimes terrified that I am not going to wake up in the morning. It gets so bad that I force myself to stay awake all night, just to make sure I will stay alive. Sometimes, I cry because the stress is so bad. And when I do wake up in the morning, I am sometimes afraid to move because if I do, I will have a heart attack or something. I know, this is ridiculous, but to me it is VERY real. And I have to deal with it every day of my life. There is NO amount of medication that will fully help me get over the fear that I have incurred because of my GBS, but I do my best to plow through every day the best I can.
Imagine sitting on the edge of your bed at night. Now imagine being frozen with fear. You can't move. You cant talk. You cant hardly breathe. You try to open your mouth, and nothing comes out. You try to reach out, but you cannot move. All you can do is panic and cry until it passes and you can relax.
That happens to me 3 times a week on average.
It gets worse whenever I get a bad cold, or some injury. It enhances the fear that I go through. My only saving grace is my loving family, and friends that always watch out for me. Without my friends and family, I would have been dead years ago. Either from stress, or my own hands.
Everybody has fear they have to deal with. And everyone has their own way of going about getting over it. But fear never goes away. No matter what you try. You just have to deal with it, and do your best to survive another day. It's not easy, but you do it anyways.
If I can do it, you can do it. Never give up.
Man, I wonder if my weird Uncle Charlie is still alive? I just got freaked out all over again.
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