Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Aquaman can TOO beat Wonder Woman!

Yeah, I'm really writing my blog today. I have been so busy with my Autism awareness 2013 fundraiser, and trying to finish designing a website for a good friend. I forgot how fun it is trying to deal with web hosting and domain sites. But that's ok. It keeps me on my toes.

For anyone who is interested in donating to the fundraiser, you can go here:


As of the writing of this blog, we have 65 hours left. I would LOVE to reach our goal of $2000 and be able to supply families of autistic children get a new computer tablet. $2000 would allow me to get 10 of these. Let's see if we can do it.

Does anyone else think the Carl Levin looks like Mole Man from The Simpsons? I just looked up at the TV to see him yapping about something, and that's all I could think of.

                                                     See what I mean? Brothers, maybe? I dunno.

I have found myself lately REALLY missing working in radio. I spent nearly 10 years in the industry, and I only left because I fell ill with GBS. I still have all of my air checks on tape, and I'm getting ready to convert most of the to disc. I am SO sick and tired of being disabled. I was SO close to being able to get back to work about 9 years ago, until my heart decided it would have nothing to do with that. Now, I have come to a point in my life that I feel kind of like a failure for not being able to work. I make NO money fixing computers. there is just too much competition. I can't do much, but I know I can still do radio. I still have the voice, and the passion for music. But alas, there are NO jobs in northern Michigan. So I have decided to try to start an internet radio station. If I could pull it off with advertisers, I might be able to feel like I'm a useful part of the workforce again! If there is anyone who reads this blog that has any information about starting one, please let me know through this the comments section.

Has anyone seen the new commercial for Injustice: Gods Among Us? If you love Jason Mewes (Jay)and Kevin Smith (Silent Bob), you have to check it out......

Awesome. Well, I don't really have anything else today. As I said before, if you get a chance, check out our Autism Awareness 2013 Fundraiser at the link above. If you know someone that suffers with autism, or a family in need of more information on how they can get help, please visit http://www.autismspeaks.org/ There is SO much information that can be obtained here. It has been a valuable source for us as we work with our son who has autism.

Enjoy your day and I'll see you back here in a few days!

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