Monday, May 6, 2013

#15 in the countdown of my personal favorite songs of the last 20 years.

Alice In Chains - Again.

This song just rips out of the gate, and throws you out the back door before raiding your fridge, and stealing your car. One of the best guitar riffs from them, EVER! This is one of those songs that is not only underrated, but will never get old for me. It may not be the best song from AIC, but it's in the top 5. For me, it's number 15 in my countdown. I had it playing in the car when I was going back to the hospital the day my son, Nolan was born.

Released in 1996, the video is the last one that Layne Staley was part of. Every other video after this that had him in it was just stock footage. He wore long sleeves in the video due to the horrendous bruises that covered his arms. (Supposedly from heroin use.....but not confirmed).

Sadly after the death of Layne Staley's ex-fiancĂ©e, Demri Lara Parrott, he was never the same. He was seen, and only recorded a few tracks after that. and went into a downward spiral.

April 19, 2002 he was found in his apartment. He had been dead for 2 weeks. He is still greatly missed to this day.

From the 1995 CD, it was also included in 2 box sets and a greatest hits disc.

Alice In Chains - Again

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