Wednesday, May 29, 2013


I really wanted to finish my countdown. I really wanted to share my love for music with everyone. But right now, I can't. I just.....can't.

I have too many things on my mind right now. Hell, I don't even have the energy to do my nightly Caption Contest. This may be the last time for quite awhile that I post to this blog.

My family and I are facing the reality of becoming homeless. I fought what I thought was a good fight against what I consider to be deplorable living conditions in our rental apartment. I'll know tomorrow if we have a leg to stand on. I don't really know what's going to happen.

So, if we don't ever meet again in this blog, just know that I loved writing it. It was something I always wanted to do. Sadly, nothing interests me at this moment. I have no desire to do anything.

I have a family to worry about. My family needs a roof over their heads. My family needs food on the table.

So, goodnight. Thanks for reading.

By the way, #1 was Foo Fighters - Everlong.

Friday, May 24, 2013

#12 in the countdown of my personal favorite songs of the last 20 years.

Unwritten Law - Save Me

Always followed this band from their start back in the very early nineties. From California, their breakout sone "Seeing Red" was a staple on rock radio for a long time. I love the music, but I LOVE this song.

There are SO many ways to look at this song. Drug addiction, loss of a girlfriend, dying and so forth. All of it caused by the first thing I mentioned. The song to me is basically a goodbye to everything because he has too much fun doing what he does, and he has accepted the fact that one day he will be dead because of it, and there is nothing anyone can do. By the time he regrets his choices, it's too late.

The song, from the 2005 CD "Here's To The Mourning", has one of the coolest videos I have seen. There is an extended, un-cenosred version of it that is available on the greatest Hits DVD. If you look hard enough, you can find it online.

Here is "Save Me" from Unwritten Law. you wanna see the uncensored version? Here you go.....

See ya next time!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

#13 in the countdown of my personal favorite songs of the last 20 years.

Matthew Good Band - Hello Time Bomb.

The best band you may never have listened too. Canadian rockers flying under the radar for years. This song was their biggest single released, it was nominated for a Juno Award for best single in 2000. The video and song was a KIND OF departure from their usual songs. I have been a big fan for years.

I remember hearing this song while still recovering from GBS. The CD Beautiful Midnight, from which launched this song as it's first single, was in my Pathfinder when I first started driving on a regular basis after being sick for so long.

If you are interested, check out the other songs floating around out there by MGB.  I highly recommend them.

From the 1999 CD, Beautiful Midnight I present Hello Time Bomb.

And just for good measures, check out another AWESOME song from Matthew Good Band. This one is called Strange Days. We can probably all learn something from this video.

See you next time!

Friday, May 10, 2013

#14 in the countdown of my personal favorite songs of the last 20 years.

Taproot - Mine

Another tune that blasts out of the gate. I came across this band by accident and fell in love with them. This isn't the biggest songs from them, but it's my favorite. "Poem" from the same CD was the 5th most played rock song of 2005. Another band rocking right out of Ann Arbor, Michigan.

To me it seems that this is a love song, and yet a controlling love. You can read it either way I guess. I like to think that it's about a love that he can't see himself without.

From the 2002 release "Welcome", here is Mine.

Oh what the hell, here is Poem as well. Rock on!

See you guys next time as I continue my countdown of my 20 favorite songs from the last 20 years!

Monday, May 6, 2013

#15 in the countdown of my personal favorite songs of the last 20 years.

Alice In Chains - Again.

This song just rips out of the gate, and throws you out the back door before raiding your fridge, and stealing your car. One of the best guitar riffs from them, EVER! This is one of those songs that is not only underrated, but will never get old for me. It may not be the best song from AIC, but it's in the top 5. For me, it's number 15 in my countdown. I had it playing in the car when I was going back to the hospital the day my son, Nolan was born.

Released in 1996, the video is the last one that Layne Staley was part of. Every other video after this that had him in it was just stock footage. He wore long sleeves in the video due to the horrendous bruises that covered his arms. (Supposedly from heroin use.....but not confirmed).

Sadly after the death of Layne Staley's ex-fiancĂ©e, Demri Lara Parrott, he was never the same. He was seen, and only recorded a few tracks after that. and went into a downward spiral.

April 19, 2002 he was found in his apartment. He had been dead for 2 weeks. He is still greatly missed to this day.

From the 1995 CD, it was also included in 2 box sets and a greatest hits disc.

Alice In Chains - Again

Saturday, May 4, 2013

#16 in the countdown of my personal favorite songs of the last 20 years.

Fenix TX - Threesome.

A pretty underrated song released in 2001. I used to BLAST this in my headphones while playing Soldier Of Fortune 2 on my computer. It really got the blood going. Then again, I usually drank about 8 beers at the same time so Kenny G would probably have the same effect.

The CD was always in my first 10 in the rack on my desk, and I always had it on the computer ready to go. This song was actually playing on the now defunct MTV-X when I found out my divorce to my first wife was final via US mail. I proceeded to crank it up even louder.

The band broke up soon after this CD was released. A damn shame too. The band had a lot of promise. I would have loved to have seen more albums from them.

From the 2001 release Lechuza, here is Threesome.

Friday, May 3, 2013

#17 in the countdown of my personal favorite songs of the last 20 years.

Rise Against - Swing Life Away.

Who didn't like this song? It BLEW me away when I first heard it. It could be the story of all our lives. Everyone can relate to it. Even the video is like you getting in the car, putting on a mix tape and hanging out on the corner with your friends.

From Wikipedia: "The lyrics are optimistic and speak of contentment with a less-than-perfect life."

Released in 2004 from the Punk Goes Accoustic, it still remains a staple on my playlist.

Coming in tied is another one from Rise Against. "Hero Of War"

A moving tribute to veterans who saw so much anguish, and the trauma they had to go through fighting in a war. NOBODY knows what they have to deal with. Before you judge anyone in the military, you need to walk a mile in their shoes. They do the job they do so you don't have to, and they don't get the appreciation they deserve.

"He said son, have you seen the world?
Well, what would you say if I said that you could?
Just carry this gun, you'll even get paid.
I said that sounds pretty good."

Nobody knows what to expect. No matter what you THINK you're going to see, you are NEVER ready for what you actually do.

From the 2008 album Appeal To Reason, Rise Against - Hero Of War.

Check back this weekend as the countdown continues.