Monday, March 4, 2013

Fresh meat and my own personal prison.

In 1988, I lived in Benton Heights, Michigan. It was a not so good time in my life. My 1977 Olds 442 had a seized engine, and I was renting a room in a house that was a miserable existence. I was basically trapped here while my car's engine was being rebuilt by the owner of the house. I would pay my rent, and help with food as well as paying money towards the cost of the rebuild of the motor. It left me with only a few dollars to spend on myself. The guys wife was verbally abusive, and was very scary. I met her years ago, and was a pretty nice person. That is why I accepted their offer to rent a room. Soon after I moved in however, it turned south quickly. He was a nice guy, but he was also fearful of this woman. She was a BIG lady. I mean big and intimidating. I suffered through so many drunk tirades from her, and the best I could do is suck it up, and deal with it until I found a way out.

While living there, I worked at Eagles Super Saver on Territorial Avenue. I loved this job. I was a clerk in the meat department, and that was where I first learned how to cut meat. The boss was a really nice guy, and gave me as many hours that I needed. As a matter of fact, everyone that worked there were good people. There was a dairy farm next door, and every once in awhile, a cow would get loose. We would always help corral the escaped bovine when this happened. One time one of the guys that was working with me helped get one out of our parking lot. So here we are with our meat coats on chasing a cow across the road. One lady yelled out from her car, "Damn, you guys DO have fresh meat!" It was a laugher.....

In the fall of 1988, my Grandmother passed away. She had been alone since my Grandfather died in 1986. It had been my intention to move to Big Rapids late in 1987 to stay with my Grandma and help her out. But when my car blew it's engine I was stuck until I got it fixed. Because of my situation, I had to accept the deal I took to stay in Benton Heights until my car was fixed. These people made it a point to get my car running, but took alot of time doing so. Because of this, I never made it in time to help her. She fell ill, and eventually died. I was heart broken. I loved my Grandma more than anything. I remember telling the people I rented in from that I needed to keep some money out of my check to go to my grandma's funeral. They had planned a trip to the UP that week, and they made me feel so guilty that I couldn't go with them. As a matter of fact they made me PROMISE that right after the funeral, I would find a way to get to the campground where they were staying. I never did go there. I stayed with my parents for a week after the funeral helping them out with the new grocery store they had just opened after my Dad retired from Meijer.

I had my Mother drive me back to Benton Heights after the week was over. I was afraid of what kind of crap I was going to get when I got back there, and it was. For 3 hours after I got home, I was pummeled with guilt and verbal abuse about not getting ahold of them to let them know I wasn't going to meet them. It wasn't until I gave her $200 that I had earned working for my Dad that the abuse stopped. Then she was "proud" of me that I was able to at least contribute some extra money toward food. (Turns out it went more to beer for them than food). It was then that I planned my escape from this prison. The very next day after my engine was fixed and I got my car back (5 months!) I borrowed some cash from a friend and hid it from my landlords. While they were gone I packed up just my clothes and was ready to get out. I put in my notice at Eagles, and was ready to go. I made an excuse that my parents needed me to help them for awhile, and I was going to visit them. They laid SO much guilt on me, but I knew that I was close to getting out.

2 days later, my parents had come back to Saint Joseph to get some stuff to take back north. I jumped in my car with what I could carry and left. I never drove so fast in my life. I met up with them, and followed them to Charlevoix. I never EVER wanted to go through what I went through ever again. I had nightmares about that place for years. Ever had a cockroach crawl out of your pant leg? I did living there. Ever had someone throw a cup of water on you because you were sleeping? I did. Ever had to dig a dead mouse out of a coffee maker and watch someone use said coffee maker that same day? I did. I will never be able to describe the horrible time I had there.

I swore I would never tell this story until she was dead. that was how much I feared this woman. I found out just recently that she died 5 years ago. As mean as it sounds, I hope she burns in hell for the kind of person that she was. It wasn't just me. She did this to a renter before me, and another one after I left. She was just an evil person. I'm surprised her husband survived this witch. All in all I am pretty sure he was a good person, just stuck under the thumb of this monster that was his wife.

I never forgave myself for not going north to help my Grandma when she needed me. And I never forgave that evil woman for keeping me from my freedom. I know it sounds bad. Why didn't I just leave earlier? I had nowhere to go, and no way to get there. I had to basically bide my time. By the time I did, it was too late for some things, but just enough time for others.

Some of my friends that read this will know who I am talking about. I have never told them the entire story of what I had to deal with while living there. Some might know, but the whole story is like a bad made for Lifetime movie.

I'm glad I made it out alive.

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