Monday, January 7, 2013

Damaged Blog?

I had a great story with pictures and stuff for today's blog. BUT for some reason my Google Blogger dashboard is not letting me update anything that has a picture. It won't load anything. Period. The story about my living in Marcellus Michigan in 1978-79 HAS to include the pictures I have. Otherwise, it's effect is lost.

So, I will try again tomorrow. I will give you a taste of what will be in the blog though.

1. The useless destruction of a 1969 Plymouth Road Runner.

2. A 4th grade teacher that, now that I think about was probably a sex offender.

3. A farmer that would get a dog. Spend 2 weeks training it, and shooting it if it didn't learn what he wanted it too.

4. School bus routes that took us through such bad roads, that they were called Boondocks Trolleys.

5. A neighbor that would get so drunk that he would pass out and leave his dog outside in dead of winter.

6. Old beer cans and dump sites.

7. Weird rednecks that loved to put chickens in a box and shoot said box with .22 rifles for kicks.

I could go on. So many disturbing things happened there. I will touch base on them when the Blog is fixed.

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