Monday, December 10, 2012

Excuse the interruption......

We here at The Daily Skid Mark have been absent from the blog lately. This is the time of year that I usually do more volunteer work. Putting together ways to help people for Christmas with food and gifts. I wasn't able to do NEARLY enough this year, and it really has me down. This year has been a tough one for our family, and I feel like I have let them down, as well as those I am always able to help. This will be the first year I have not been able to deliver Christmas hams and other food needs to those less fortunate. I have not been able to help with toys, or cash so people can buy typical household needs. There are no computers to donate to anyone who needs one, and my health has hindered my ability to fix computers at no charge.

It has been hard. I want to able to help out, and it kills me that I am not able to. And I am sorry.

Our situation has come to a head, and we are facing having to move out of our home for the second time in 8 months. Probably before the first of the year. Between health issues, and problems at our current home, along with financial issues, we are backed into a corner. I don't see anyway out of it either. Our son is currently being tested for Autism, my daughter has a skin condition that causes her to break out horribly in dry patches, and I am facing surgery on my jaw. Not to mention an ankle that doesn't seem to want to get any better.

I am so used to helping others, that I don't know how to react being on the other end of that spectrum. Because my wife has a job, the usual resources I go through to get other assistance are not available to us. I have sold everything that I could to raise money, including selling my Chevy Blazer, and will probably have to sell our OTHER Blazer and buy something cheap to get around. We are also facing a move to someplace else in Traverse City in the winter.

I am drained emotionally. I just don't have the fight left in me. Not only can I not help others that need it MUCH more than me, I can't even help myself or my family. I never wanted to use this blog to air my dirty laundry, but I have had a hard time even talking about it because I have been so down.

All I ask is that you think of our family this year. We could use all the prayers we can get. If anything, throw a buck in a kettle to help others who cannot help themselves. Drop some food off at a pantry. Give to Toys For Tots because there are too many children who will go without this year.

Just keep the spirit in your heart this year. Christmas is a time for giving, but need is a year round thing.

Sorry about this rant. It at least felt good to get it off my chest.

God bless.

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