Watching the rain and wind at my happy place, reading about the horrors taking place around the world, on my phone. Kind of self defeating, I know. It's depressing that in a world that has come so far, we can still act like animals. I started to cry. There is nothing one person can do, I thought. And there isn't. I can only hope that I could be a better person in my little world, and bring a smile to someone's face. As the tears rolled down my face, my local Yacht Rock station (Yeah, my guilty pleasure. You're just as guilty.) played something I literally had not heard in 40 years. You know what Yacht Rock is. Lots of Steely Dan, pina coladas, and assorted others from the 70's and 80's. Well, a little gem came on, and I stopped crying.
Now, followers of mine know I worked in radio for about ten years. Lots of formats and variety of good and bad music. But in all that time, I've never played this song. As a matter of fact, I forget this beautiful thing existed until today.
I hope the link works. If not, the song is Pilot Of The Airwaves by Charlie Dore. Released in 1979, I remember hearing it on the radio when I lived in Marcellus. The effect of having that come on in the middle of a depression induced cryfest, was like screeching to a halt right before you drive off that cliff.
I'm not saying it's a cure all for what ails the world, but never EVER underestimate the power of a simple song. So when life is kicking you in the head, and it gets to heavy to carry, take the time to turn on whatever device you use, and just listen to some music. Go look for something you haven't heard in a long time. There is so much out there that we have forgotten about. Go listen to Andrew Gold, Al Stewart, even some Bertie Higgins.
Everyone needs a little "Key Largo". 😁
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