Monday, September 25, 2023

Look What Came Out Of A Hole!

 A local guy was excavating an old outhouse, and found something unexpected. My old blog! Don't worry, the remnants are no longer smelly, but are actually still here. Well, they may have a little stench left, but nothing I can't handle.

8 years since my last post. So much has changed since then. I don't think I need to tell you, but hopefully you survived. 

I'm going to revive this crappy little word dump over the next few days. Not only has the world changed, but so has the way The Daily Skid Mark is laid out. Fonts? Who needs them! If you have anything you want me to write about, or just have something to say, just comment. As usual, no story or idea is off limits. I mean, my dog just farted, so we can talk about that. Or how about that weird lump on my right butt cheek? Maybe you have an interesting butt cheek you want to discuss? Doesn't have to be yours. Let me know!

In the meantime, here's a short encounter I had last week. In the grocery store, there were two kids messing around in the frozen aisle. I look over to see a pint of Ben and Jerry's ice cream sitting on a display shelf behind them, outside of the freezer. Now, I've always had a fantasy of catching someone leaving refrigerated or frozen food out in an aisle so I can snack them upside the noggin for being a dick and wasting food, not to mention costing the business money. The closest I got was watching a guy stick a pair of shoes, still in the box, into a display freezer. I actually just laughed because it made no sense.

I walked up to the container, and asked the kid if this was his ice cream. After stumbling over his garbled "words" he proclaimed that, yes, and he sat it down just to look at other ice cream. I smiled and said, "Ok. But if I come back down this aisle in two minutes, and it's still there and you're gone, I'm gonna find you before you make it to the parking lot."

It was gone when I came back. Thinking about it later, I may have actually threatened him with my comment.


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