Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Blogger 101

Another day of snow and ice. And that's just in my brain! The snow days we have here in Traverse City are nothing compared to life in Marcellus. When I lived there, snow days didn't exist. What would happen is the buses would come and get you, and hope for the best. We would get stuck 2-3 times a week in the winter, and the district truck would just be dispatched to come get you out. That's why I was SO happy when I got an electronic football game for Christmas in 1979. I always had something to entertain myself when we sat on that bus in the middle of nowhere.

So, as I begin to continue this story, I get that DAMN error from Google again saying that I cannot save my draft, and that this page will close. So now I have to find something funny or entertaining before the page closes.....oh what to post....

I have never tried turduckin. I want to, and maybe someday I will.

I once gave a girl a rose in high school during the "rose sale" and she laughed at me. I heard later the same thing happened to her. Yeah, she gave a rose to another girl, and THAT girl laughed at her.

I did LSD once. I made the mistake of watching The Flintstones. Don't ever do that. I never did again. The LSD OR The Flintstones.

Another little tidbit that I never told anyone. In the Spring of 1986 during my senior year in high school, I had moved out and was on my own. I lived at a house on Niles Ave near the intersection of Niles and Napier. My buddy from school also rented a room in this house, and told me about it. A guy named Jim owned the place and had a business in New Buffalo called "Jim's Lazy Boy Grocery". I ended up moving out in July of that year because Jim was a little weird when he drank. My buddy also bailed. If I remember right, he just simply vanished. I say that because I never heard from him again. Turns out that Jim was molesting boys. Yup. right there in the house I lived in and I never even knew it. I guess it happened when nobody was home. He ended up being arrested and may have even died in prison. I don't know. I never heard about him again either.

Wow, now that I think about it I really want to remember his last name so I can find out if he got what he deserved. If anyone who lived in Saint Joseph remembers him, can you find out his last name for me? I hope he burned.

Anyways, here is something funny for you to watch:

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Post 100

Post #100.

Welcome to my little milestone. Took long enough, eh?

Well, I have been away from the blog for quite awhile. To be honest, after all of the trouble Google had fixing my page, I kind of lost my way. I found myself not really wanting to write much. My life has had it's ups and downs, and right now "real" life has been more important than "blog" life, as it should. This had been my release. My way of sharing my life, and hoping for a few good laughs as well. Things change, sometimes rather quickly. I was going to abandon The Daily Skid Mark, as the things in my life over the last  weeks have been overwhelming. My son, Nolan has been diagnosed with ADHD as well as a mild form of Autism. We knew something was wrong, and I had hoped that it was something that would pass, but it didn't. Now he is getting the help he needs, and in time will be able to function as a normal happy child should. TCAPS (our local school district) has been wonderful in the assistance they have given us. I don't know what I would do without them.

My health has been a big concern for me this year. At one point I wasn't even sure if I would be around for my family by summer. I have been so exhausted for no reason at all. I have lost the urge to do most anything. It has been a chore to be able to play with my children. They can tell, and even at their young age, they know Daddy isn't well. I'm just so tired. Physically and mentally. The energy levels are drained. I don't know......

Do I want to continue this blog? Yes. Will I continue this blog? Of course. I may not update it daily, but I will post something on here to entertain and/or inform. But for right now, we'll see how my heath goes.

By the way, I found out my 5th grade teacher in Marcellus that I suspected was a pedophile, died last year. Just thought you would want to know.

I'm going to go take my medication now. All in the pursuit of living for another day.